30. Sleeping Storm

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Kihyun sneaks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him slowly and he bends in front of the toilet bowl, slipping his fingers into his mouth

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Kihyun sneaks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him slowly and he bends in front of the toilet bowl, slipping his fingers into his mouth. Although Sehyuk is on a liquid diet due to his throat, he forced fed the other, knowing little of the turmoil that food creates in his stomach when he's anxious. The moment he finished his dinner and the murder of his father monopolized his thoughts, he has been restless, his body too heavy to balance out his head. He needed it. The control of puking when he wants to. So, he's here after Sehyuk bid him farewell and left for his room two hours ago.

The hospital discharged the boy after giving him some medicines and booking his speech therapy appointment.

Kihyun presses the wall of his throat, choking as his fingers feel slimy with the coat of his saliva. He coughs, eyes searing and tears collecting at the corners. It hurts whenever the stomach acid rushes through his esophagus, charring the walls, but he cannot seem to stop. He feels nauseous, and with a bit more he would finally puke, so he curls his fingers inside, breathing raggedly as soon as the awaited half-digested food rivers from his mouth into the toiled bowl. Kihyun coughs, removing his vomit-laden fingers and spilling some of the content on his shirt.

His chest burns, not only due to puking but the pain lodged in his heart and mind. It brings along dizziness and facilitates his nausea, causing the boy to fall on his knees and support his hands on his thighs. "Urgh," Kihyun groans, rubbing soothing circles over his stomach as the last wave of liquid exits his body. He breathes heavily, his body moving in an irregular rhythm as the images of his dead father flash in his mind, the booming sound of the bullet ringing in his ears. He slaps his hands over his ears, curling into himself with trembling hands and clamping his teeth shut to stop the sobs from escaping.

The boy drags himself to one of the walls of the bathroom and sits under the shower, turning it on. The water drenches his clothes and washes the vomit spilled on them but that isn't clean enough for Kihyun. He looks at his hands and rubs them together to get rid of his father's blood but it's of no use. He chokes, letting his tears finally fall free, hoping his cries are muffled due to the running shower. He wails, banging his head slowly on the wall behind him, uncaring for the water entering his mouth and body feeling cold.

It isn't his fault he was born into a broken family or with how messed up he is. He has been living in fear since he was a child, depending on others to continue his life. His brother was a cornerstone until he moved out of their hell home with his wife and now he's been depending on Sehyuk in the past months. He is a weakling, a deadweight for those around him. Even death does not want to embrace a coward like him. Kihyun pushes his hand over his mouth when his thoughts elicit louder cries, his eyes blurring with all his tears. The bane of his existence is gone but here he is, crying in someone's bathroom.

Kihyun isn't sure how long he stays under the shower but as the warm water turns cold and his body shivers, he decides to leave the washroom or he may die of hypothermia, which honestly does not seem like a bad idea. But he couldn't die in Sehyuk's apartment and be a burden to him even after death. So he collects himself after the catharsis, turning the shower off and leaving the bathroom in dripping wet clothes and hair. He is tired to the bones and it wouldn't have been hard to sleep at all if it wasn't for his clothes. He wraps his hands around himself, teeth chattering the moment he steps out into the living room.

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