Chapter 1: A Broken Heart, Two Seperate Ways

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The cold breeze of the air conditioner filled Childe's room. Both him and Lumine were sitting on the bed facing each other.


Childe called out her name with a dull tone.

"Hm? What's it? Why did you call me over here? You said you wanted to speak something important but you haven't even spoken a word."

Lumine looked at the male and gave him a sweet smile and touched his cheek as she got near him.The male gently pushed away her hand.

"Ajax, is something the matter? Did something happen, darling?"

She asked him with a face full of concern as she looked into his ocean blue eyes. As for the male he was filled with guilt for what he was about to do. He didn't knew how to put it in words. A pin drop silence filled the cold room. Ajax gathered up all the courage he had and told her....

"'Jou-chan, I think we should end our relationship, it seems like I lost the spark I had whenever I looked into your eyes, I'm really sorry. Let's be good friends from now on"

Lumine was speechless. She felt as if she was struck by lightning. Tears slowly flowed down her cheeks.

"C-childe.... Why, why... I thought you would come with me till the end, I thought those words came from your own freaking mouth!"

Lumine raised her hand and tightly slapped Childe. The slap mark was visible. Tears were about to flow down Ajax's cheek but he held it back.  He felt disappointed in himself for hurting someone he loved so much.

"Give me a answer! Are you deaf? Why? Why!?!?"

Childe still remained silent. Words couldn't come out of his mouth. He just looked at her with his teary eyes. He finally opened his mouth to speak.

"You said you want an answer,right? It's because I've always disliked you, I only wanted you for your money! I wanted to acquire your wealth! That's why I acted as if I loved you!"

His words made Lumine more angry. She just gave him a disgusted look and pulled his shirt

"I didn't knew you could be an actor and a good liar, Let this be the last time I see your fu*king face in my goddamn life, goodbye and thanks for nothing."

Lumine walked down the stairs and slammed the door as she walked outside back to her home. After a few minutes after she went back, someone called Childe's phone. Childe answered the call.

"Hello? Yeah, it's all done, I'll leave it to you from now on, you're welcome, bye."

To be continued....
(Hey y'all, it's me Childe! Not the Childe from Genshin tho ;-; . This is my first time writing a fanfic. If y'all want me to do more or want to give me ideas just give an idea in my announcement! Tqq, byeeee)

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