The un-happy ending

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   She ran as fast as she could, her sneakers squeaking as she ran through the palace away from the guards. From the regal look the palace reflected to the outside, you'd never expect there to be trouble within its walls. She made it to her destination, standing just in front of the throne room doors, an argument could be heard, shouting and yelling. Taking in a shaky breath, she mustered up all the strength she had left and opened the doors.

   It's like it happened in slow motion, the older man who seemed to be the father of the bride in said arranged marriage was cursing out the royal family. The man had pulled out a handgun and aimed it at her! Pop, Pop, Pop "NO" the prince shouted! It happened in slow motion and at first, she hadn't felt anything, seeing the King and some guards tackle the man with the gun while the prince ran to her side. 

   "You're going to be okay" he told her, while holding her in his arms, clothes becoming covered with her blood. She felt confused and a little sad, "what?" she asked suddenly finding herself lying on the ground in his arms, pain coming from her abdomen. Tears started to form; the feeling of hopelessness was overwhelming. The prince, her lover, her soulmate, telling her everything was going to be alright and not to close her eyes for a single moment. "Look at me, keep your eyes on mine... please" he begged. 

     Tears formed in the prince's eyes as he stares helplessly into the eyes of his one true love, who was slowly dying in his arms. The medics couldn't come fast enough, by the time they arrived she had already lost a lot of blood. Coming in and out of conciseness, the medics had arrived and put her on a stretcher, taking her to safety. The prince by her side the whole time. Her mind was fuzzy, repeating to herself, "no, god no, not yet please...".


   The air... it smelt clean, almost too clean. A moments struggle, then finally she was able to open her eyes but were quickly shut again due to the blinding lights in the room. Squinting her eyes open, she was finally able to see where she had ended up and view her surroundings.  "I'm in a hospital" she thought. Though the girl has no recollection of arriving and being admitted and those thoughts unnerved her. Looking to her right, a figure sat in a chair slumped over as if they were sleeping, actually that slumped was sleeping. Trying her voice, she spoke "h-hey" with a slight crackle in her voice.

      At the sound of her voice the prince awoke with a sudden Suprise. Shaking the sleep from his face, he turned to find his love finally awake and conscious. "Don't talk just yet" he told her as he went to reach for the glass of water that sat on the bedside table. "Here" he said and motioned for her to drink. She took one, two, three, the whole glass. Satisfied, she laid back down and turned to look towards the prince, her lover, the ONE who brought her to safety.  With worry etched into her voice she says, "our baby?" the feeling of hopelessness being crushed swiftly when the prince smiles and brings her close, "It's a boy!".  They both relish in happiness of their future together.

                                                                   ~For that is what could have been~

   The doctors did all they could to save her, there was no such luck. Not one but two died that day, the girl truly and the unborn child. When he got the news, he fell in disbelief, then anger, sadness, anger, and sadness. Angry with the universe and questioning why him, why them, for what did they do to deserve this ending. Entering the room, she laid on the hospital bed and had a look of serenity, peace. Caressing her face, he broke down collapsing in the chair strategically placed next to the bed. Heart wrenching sobs echoed the room, glancing up the bassinette was sitting on the other side of the bed.  

     Taking a moment, he got up and moved to the other side to see his baby for the first time. The emotions overtook like a tsunami, and he broke down in sadness but also anger. Screaming now and cursing the gods, universe, whoever was out there. (Me! the author :) He doesn't know who he's supposed to go on, "What am I, how am I " he cries and he just cries. For this is the un-happy ending that certain folks don't want you to read about. Some stories don't get happy endings and that's how it is... Life isn't fair.

p.s. I'll let u in on a lil' secret... the baby is a fake and the heir lives. :()

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