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The exam is in a couple of hours and I'm tired. School has been beating my ass over the last two weeks and all I wanna do is sleep. Just sleep like sleeping beauty did.

I bet that shit was good.

Anyway, I'm just sitting in my second period about to go to third so I can take this exam then go over to my moms job.

The bell goes off making me stuff my stuff in my bag and going out the door. The hallways are crowded with kids trying not to go take the exam by skipping or hiding in the bathroom.

I shake my head and walk to third and sit down. The class starts filling up a little after and then the teacher walks in with a smile.

It's like she knows half of us will fail this shit.

My phone dings in my hand making me flip it over and smile when I see my girlfriend texted me.

Mi corazón💕: good luck

Me: you too 🫶🏽

I smile and shut my phone off as the door slams shut. Oh this teacher is ready ready.

"Alright everyone phones up and be quiet. I'm gonna hand out the papers and worksheets in a minute until then I don't wanna hear any talking" she walks over to her desk and picks up stacks of paper.

I'm talking stacks. Heavy ass bowling ball stacks of papers. She goes around the room setting them on the desk, again with an evil smile on her face.

"Once set down you may start. I don't wanna see any cheating either" she looks over to Ian and Deven who look at her with fake innocence.

I shake my head and look at the papers aligning my desk. I'm gonna need a long nap after this.


That exam was hard for no reason. I'm pretty sure I failed because some of that material that was on that paper, we didn't learn.

Anyway school is out now so I'm just driving to my mom's job. She wanted me to come so she can show me something but didn't say what.

I pull into the garage parking space and get out, walking into the cold building. I walk up to the reception desk and look at the blonde haired lady.

"Hi do you have an appointment?" She has a smile on her face while asking.

"Yeah my mom works here and wanted me to come after school" I explain and she nods looking at her computer.

"Is your mom Lena Thomas by chance" I nod and she hands me a pass and tells me where the room is.

Once off the long elevator ride I find my moms room and knock. Once hearing a come in I do and see her typing on her computer.

"Hola mama" I kiss her cheek and sit across from her in the chair.

"I called you here because you said you wanted to learn about being a business women correct?" I smile and sit up.

Is she saying what I think she's saying right now.

I nod my head waiting for her to finish.

"Me and your father thought it would be good for you to learn starting this weekend so with that being said you gonna learn from one of my workers." I jump up and down giggling like a little school girl in elementary.

My moms laughter is brought to my ears making me kiss her face multiple times.

"Thank you thank you thank you" she nods her head then calls someone to come in. A few minutes later a knock is sounded on the door, making me turn my head.

A girl with black hair and green eyes walks through. She has a pencil skirt on with a white blouse and heels. She looks around the office then stops when she gets to me.

She clears her throat before looking back at my mom, "ma'am you wanted to see me?"

My mom nods and gestures for her to sit in the seat beside me, "yes my daughter here is going to start helping out around here starting this weekend so I thought why not bring the best worker that I know in here to help her out. She'll be starting this weekend"

The girl nods and looks back at me, holding her hand out. "I'm Parker" I shake her hand and tell her my name too.

After all that my mom tells me what I'm gonna be doing and how I'm gonna be helping. At 6pm I leave and walk to my car and leave the place heading home and to my bed.

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