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Gojo walks you a short way over to where a festival of sorts had set up shop, very reminiscent of a fair or carnival from back home. You knew it was here, but with being busy working, you hadn't made time to actually come and check it out.

At the ticket booth, Gojo pays for two, allowing you to enter and walks you over to a crepe stand. There are about five hundred sounds floating around the air right now. The sounds of laughter from teenagers and young adults, such as yourselves, running around, taking photos, and enjoying their time. Deep fryers cooking up a storm of delicious food for patrons. Various games and rides along with flashing lights.

Gojo watches as you look around, gaze lingering on several of the rides with amusement. He'll take you on a few before he continues with his mission. It's probably the least he could do.

Walking to the counter and placing an order for two crepes, he doesn't give you the chance to look over the menu resulting in your lip pouting slightly.

"You've been in Tokyo, what, 10 weeks?" He's hoping he's wrong, moving his glasses over his head so he can really look at you. He knows he's not, but still hoping, nonetheless.

Furrowing your brows, you wonder how he could know that when this is your first time seeing him since moving here. "Um, 8 weeks. I started working at the club shortly after."

He hums in response.

"Seeing anybody?" He asks casually, quickly looking you up and down, making a point to stop at your hips, tits, and lips before meeting your eyes again.

"Ha, not at all."

"I find it hard to believe nobody's had their eye on you. Or, perhaps, the other way around."

You roll your eyes and shake your head as Gojo grabs your order, handing you a comically large crepe stuffed full of whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, cinnamon sticks, a scoop of ice cream, topped off with a healthy drizzle of chocolate syrup.

Looking at this massive crepe, you're not entirely sure how to start eating it, as you weren't given utensils to dig in with. Following Gojo's lead, you take a bite out of the top.

He watches as whipped cream smears on your lip and cheek and fuck if you wouldn't look good with something else white and creamy all over your face. But that'll have to wait. Nanami will be turning in his report soon, so time's going to be running out.

You quickly wipe off the whipped cream, to his dismay, he quite liked it there, and find a spoon to eat with. The two of you decided to walk around a bit, finishing the desert before looking at the various rides and stalls. Gojo watches intently to see which ones seem to interest you the most.

"Wanna ride the Graviton?" He asks, following your lingering gaze.

You shake your head, maybe a little too quickly. It would be terrible to ride that thing after eating.

"You're staring at it like a lost puppy."

"I am not!" You gasp out.

He gives a small laugh, dragging you off in the direction of the ride. Not entirely sure how he managed it, but the two of you didn't need to wait in line. He walked up to the clerk at the front, quietly said something and the next thing you knew, the two of you were being shuffled in and told where to stand.

As the ride starts, Gojo looks to you with a toothy grin. You look back to him, smiling, hoping you don't embarrass yourself by vomiting all over while everything is spinning. That'd be terrible.

You don't. Rather, what you do is grab his hand in the middle of the ride while closing your eyes and giggling, because you need something to help ground you and he was the closest thing you could latch onto.

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