13 | Lure

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"Look at all of this beautiful land and I supervise every inch of this little slice of heaven," Masuda states while dramatically opening the French doors that lead out onto the terrace of the Golf Club you're currently at.

The view you're met with is outstanding. Clean cut grass with pristine gardens, with more flowers than you could ever hope to recognize, surrounding a large pool just below that members are swimming in. Several of them lounge around on inflatable beds while others hold glasses of wine letting their legs dangle into the cool, clear water of the pool. Groundskeepers can be seen in the distance ensuring everything about the lawn is to perfection.

"Let's go chat in my office."

Your heartbeat quickens as Satoru grabs your hand, lacing his fingers in with yours, leading you inside. He turns and gives a soft smile as if he felt your heart skip a beat too.

After the night over Tokyo the two of you started dating, and when you broke the news to Shoko, Utahime and Nanami, not a single soul was surprised. You could have sworn even Ijichi mumbled a "finally" under his breath before becoming disinterested in Satoru's rambling about the nights after, to your mortification.

Suguru was also disinterested and not at all surprised. Satoru invited him to have dinner with the two of you a few nights ago, but he declined, stating he would let the two of you have your time together. You weren't totally shocked he didn't want to be near you, but Satoru had said not to take it personally, that Suguru was just bummed to be "officially" losing his wingman.

You have a nagging suspicion there's more to it than that.

Right now, you find yourself on a mission with Satoru at one of the most elite Golf Clubs Tokyo has to offer. There's been a string of curse user activity in the area and Satoru was the one assigned to come and investigate. Shoko still hasn't signed off on you returning to work, even after healing completely, but that didn't stop Satoru from insisting you join him.

"Wow, Harvard and Yale? This is great stuff," Masuda says, turning back to both of you, looking at the files you had provided on yourselves, filled with fake information.

It was decided you'd be going in, posed as humans with normal careers, and best to keep Satoru's surname from being used, since his clan is so prominent. Of course, anyone related to Jujutsu in any way would recognize Satoru, so you're using that to your advantage to try and scope out reactions to seeing him.

There wasn't a lot of information from Ijichi on who, if anyone, is a curse user at the facility. It could be the man sitting in front of you, or it could be one of the waitresses.

And either the man in front of you isn't a curse user or he's a damn good actor.

"Kato-san, do you have trouble keeping up with your wife's employment?" He looks at Satoru as he sits at a chair on the opposite of his desk.

As Satoru takes a seat, he easily answers, "not at all. It's easy enough when you're C-level. Though, I imagine any other man would have issues keeping up with her." You don't miss the way he flashes his eyebrows and gives a sly smirk to the man across from him, as the man across from him clears his throat.

"And how long have you been with the UN, Kato-san?" Your cheeks heat at the use of the same last name used for you.


Satoru thought it would be best to meet at his apartment and leave from there, since his penthouse is much closer to the Club than your apartment or even the school.

Exiting the elevator to the corridor his apartment door is on, you hear some commotion from inside. Stopping at the door, with eyebrows knitted together you reach out to grab the knob as it opens to your surprise.

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