11 | Distress

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"It's a suspected Vengeful Spirit. The area has been evacuated and the site sealed off. All citizens within a 500 meter radius have been evacuated. According to our investigation, there are several smaller lower grade curses running amok, grouping together as well."

"Typically a sorcerer on par with this level of curse would handle it, but since Gojo and Geto are away on business, we've been called in to investigate." Nanami states, adjusting his glasses as Ijichi walks towards you.

"We are often short handed, as I'm sure you've been made aware at this point, so taking on missions beyond your expertise is not abnormal, however, there is a chance the potential Vengeful Spirit is Special Grade, so take care and good luck."

Your lips form a thin line, having a bad feeling about what's about to come next. You can't quite place the feeling of uneasiness you have, though it could easily be attributed to multiple factors regarding the curse: the strength and the fact that it's been capturing women and young girls without anyone having done anything about it up to this point.

On top of all that, you've had some heartburn about breaking things off with Satoru in the way that you did a few weeks ago, wondering if you look like a horrible person due to his kids being the straw that broke the camel's back.

It's not really a problem that he has kids, it's not something you ever really put thought into for yourself, never entertained the idea given your abilities and lack of being able to maintain a normal healthy relationship.

You groan to yourself and take a deep breath, wondering why you're worrying about any of this anyway. It's not like he has to tell you anything about his life, and the fact that you opened up to him is on you, he never forced you, so really, you shouldn't have that expectation of him to do the same.

And because of that, there's no real reason for him to tell you he has kids. It's not like you're dating and need to know the ins and outs of his life and what he does on his own time for the health of your relationship.

But still, as friends you would have appreciated knowing at least some things when it comes to him.

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

Ijichi lowering the veil around the abandoned subway station snaps you out of your thoughts, and you chew on the side of your cheek as you watch the cloak of darkness surround the street and nearest buildings to where you're standing. Looking out of the curtain, the now familiar kaleidoscope effect impedes your view of seeing Ijichi and the car that brought you here.

Taking a deep breath, you turn and stand face to face with Nanami who's adjusting his glasses, watching you intently.

"We believe the curse is the Vengeful Spirit of Reiko Kashima," you nod your head, unsure of what that really means for you, "there have been several similar curses that have popped up over the years, based on fear of various tales of her. Though it appears this one could be the real deal."

Nanami tells you there are numerous popular stories in which she is the main star, it depends on who is telling the story and where you are in the world that will determine which variation you hear. He isn't sure of which one is true himself, but he does tell you the most popular version takes place after World War 2. Apparently American soldiers did unspeakable things to this girl, things Nanami refused to provide details for, but the end result was her throwing herself onto the track of an oncoming train, now taking the lives of others as her revenge.

"Your job during this mission is to go into the bathroom and wait. If this is the real spirit, she will appear to whoever is alone in one of the stalls. She will ask you a series of questions, if you answer any of them wrong, she will dismember you. Simple as that."

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