9 | Say Yes to the Dress

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Life has gone on like normal over the past few weeks - Satoru did end up calling you back that night, several hours after you had gotten home and had some time to cool off. Rather than answering, you opted to ignore it, telling him you had fallen asleep by that time.

He didn't question it, not that you really thought he would, but he did take a second to look you over like he didn't quite believe you. You'd never be able to tell if he didn't, he's essentially unreadable to you - yet he's able to read you like an open book. It's truly unfair.

You've considered telling him you think the both of you should take a step back in your extra-curricular activities, that you think it's best if you start trying to make your way out into the real world with your abilities once again, test out what you've learned and hopefully not leave a trail of death in your wake.

To be honest, it's a bit of an overindulgence anyway. You'll give him credit where it's due and acknowledge he's put in effort to help train you while fucking your brains out. It's not the most creative, but it works, having you force yourself to stop siphoning his energy mid drain.

Will it work out in the real world, with someone who isn't guaranteed to survive? You're not sure, not too confident either, but the only way to find out is to try. Yet you don't want to, not if you were really honest with yourself, which you don't want to be right now.

There has been a small step back in your... relationship with him. He's been busier recently, with missions, with the higher ups he says.

Whatever. It just makes everything easier not seeing him on a daily basis. You've been training more with Nanami anyway, going out on missions with him, have another one planned for next week.

He's not as careless as Satoru is when you go out to exercise curses, though he does like to talk while fighting on occasion, which you have a hard time concentrating on. Nanami rarely gives a compliment, rarely tells you if you're doing well or not, so it's harder to gauge your growth with him - though you suspect if he was truly impressed with something you did, he would tell you in his own way.

After coming back from one of the missions with Nanami, a grade three you were asked to exorcise with no outside help, another field test of sorts, away from controlled environments like what Satoru had been having you do, you found an envelope laying on your desk.

The small package contained a note with a drawing of a cloud on it, and left you breathless, because inside sat a cool 1.65 billion yen. To say you wanted to vomit from the sight of so much money is an understatement, and it felt wrong depositing it into your account. Sure, you were told the mission to get Playful Cloud was a secret, but why wasn't this deposited into your account like your other pay, and why was it so much?

You've been paid for each of the previous curses exercised; six hundred thousand yen for the Vengeful Spirit, and between two to three hundred thousand for every curse after between the two men training you, which has left you wide eyed each time the money is seamlessly deposited into your bank account. But this seemed to be overkill.

You let it go, trying not to dwell on it too much - a pay day is a pay day after all, and if everyone wants to be weird about the mission, who are you to say otherwise?

So, you decided to take the money and go out on the town looking for an outfit to wear to your upcoming ceremony.

Satoru is the one who told you about it the other night, came over unannounced, bottle of wine in hand, said there would be a party at the school for getting your grade assigned and you should wear something nice since people from the clans and both schools would be there. They only do this sort of thing for high enough rankings, so you should be proud of your accomplishments.

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