Ch.10: were saved by a random steampunk lesbian

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If you bargain for the right thing and haggle for the right price you can get something awesome for an even better price. Use this tool for good as it can be very tempting to use it for your own benefit, or to make others suffer.


As soon as the howling started I was on my feet. I peeked out of my tent three Large wolves black as coal with glowing red cracks running from their Fiery orange eyes to the middle of their back Hellhounds. Who the fuck would send those? We were going to have to run, I ducked back in and gathered up some materials, I snapped and some bread was carried to me by a vine I shoved the bread into my bag along with my sleeping roll and a few weapons I ran out of the tent raising a wall of thorns and vines in front of the wolves and bursting into the other tent

"Get up! We have to go. NOW." I growled Dak stood groggily Vinter was already packing shit up I heard clawing

"Shit. those vines will only hold them for so long." I said poking my head out of the tent and seeing the red glowing through the cracks in the vines I started to help everyone pack up we were almost done when an explosion sounded from the vine wall I rushed out to see a smoldering hole in the wall and there the wolves stood growling I muttered a curse under my breath and drew a weapon one of them charged at me I stood my ground as it ran towards me a game of chicken that I can't win. That's ok, I just needed to wait. It began to close in I held my ground It continued to close in, charging at me until it was within reach I jumped out of the way and slashed at its side it yelped and turned to snap at my leg I pulled my leg back and slashed at it again I wrapped them all in vines to try and protect myself everyone was ready by that point and I motioned for them to follow me as I started to run toward the old corn maze over here Ezrin and Ash following closely behind along with Vinter, Damion, Thrae and Clover, Dak was in the back. I sprinted at full speed through the maze, I Vaguely remembered the way through from childhood trips here. I must have made a wrong turn though because we were in a Dead end, Literally. The wolves were close behind and the solid brick wall covered in vines wasn't going anywhere. We were as good as dog food I turned to face the wolves, I always wanted to die staring into the face of the thing that killed me, cause there was no way in hell I was dying peacefully, not in my current state of living so I stared the Wolves down anger flooding my body, just because I couldn't win didn't mean I wasn't gonna put up a good fight, so I stood there ready to try to protect myself from the man eating wolves and just as they were about to charge a bombardment of arrows hit them piercing their skin and effectively killing them an airship hovered above the maze with a steampunk looking short haired girl waving to us she dropped the anchor and slid down it

"Hi! Sorry, I'm a bit late," she said grinning

"Who- what- how-" I stuttered utterly bamboozled

"I'm Kristen, I was sent here to pick you all up and help you to the doors of ifni, and I have Cloud steel arrows," she said Vinter glared intensely at her

"How the fuck do we know we can trust you?" He growled

"How about I give you the word of a god?" she said he raised his eyebrow

"And what's this god's name?" he asked

"Oh, you might know her as The Mad God, DM, 57, but, her friends call her Dark," she said her grin widening vintners face drained of all color and his eyes widened

"What the hell does she want with this lot of idiots?" he asked I glared at him

"Watch it, Demon boy. I will not hesitate to rip you to pieces." I growled she grinned guiltily

"She uh, she may have accidentally fucked something up and needs your help to fix it." she said rubbing the back of her neck Vinter rolls eyes

"Of course she did, and of course, she picked the most dweebus, weird, misfit idiots in the multiverse to fix it," he remarked angrily

"Actually there are people out there that are weirder and misfit like believe it or not," she said

"But anyway, let's go," she said climbing back up the anchor chain we all followed slowly this was going to ba a long ride, great. . .

>:3 and there you have it! Kristen Lee. spunky short purple haired steampunk girl also Darks future Gf- I mean what?! ANYWAY!! See you next chapter

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