Ch. 17: We go on a magical journey through a forest.

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Thrae and Clovers journey into whatever weird place that is^


I walked out of the large castle suddenly remembering something

"Wait how are we gonna get there?" I asked Kris walked out

"Sorry almost forgot you can't really drive my ship." kris says

"I mean I could but-" she cut me off

"No." she said sternly I stared in fear at her

"unless you want to lose an arm, stay the fuck off my ship." she growled I nodded she pulled out a pouch full of some sort of purple dust stuff she threw it into the air and it formed a portal big enough for me and Clover to go through

"Now shoo I have a god to find" she said which pulled out of context is weird as fuck I walked through the portal only to be met with Miles of dark forest I sighed

"Oh boy." I muttered as clover came through behind me


I teleported back still asleep only to be woken up by Kris lifting me off the ground by my collar

"Don't EVER do that again. You scared the shit out of me." she growled I sat there not knowing whether to be intimidated or flattered just then moonlight teleported into the room spewing drunk nonsense Kris dropped me and I glanced at the bottle next to me it was Yet another Drunk potion, I looked at Kris and Moonlight Kris making sure moonlight didn't kill himself by accident, I picked the bottle up and stood walking to the alchemy desk and tossing in an extra ingredient it turned like a purply pink meaning it would make me drunk but with less crazyness and more Wholesomeness I turned to Kris

"What is tha- oh no. No. do not. I need your help here!!" Kris says I sigh

"Don't worry I modified it." I said smiling and downing the potion I immediately blacked out.


I came through the portal to see miles of dark forest I sighed

"Lets go, the faster this kid is cured the faster we can get Dark to help us." I said Thrae smiled at me

"Yeah, your right, lets go." he said I smiled back lightly my chest fluttered my stomach was doing summersaults. I pulled my eyes away from his and kept my gaze ahead (*loud gay squealing*) we started walking, the forest seemed to get darker I tensed looking around the trees seemed to close in around us and I swear to god one of them tried to grab me I jumped Grabbing Thraes hand instinctively he tensed


I tried to pretend I didn't notice, but jesus christ thats really hard when your mind is going a thousand miles an hour and you feel like you just swallowed a bunch of live butterflies that are now fluttering around your insides. It was hard to breathe and my mouth was dry I thought I was going to pass out at some point I took a deep breath and we pressed on she let go after a bit I could feel my face heat, I shook my head I saw movement that seemed a lot less like a tree and a lot more like a human ahead I walked towards it

"Hello?" I asked

"What brings you here? Did god send you to yell at me some more?" someone asked I jumped

"N-no, we were sent by Kris," I said, silence

"H-hello?" I asked my voice shaky

"So my sister sent someone to check on me eh? What do you want?" The person asked

"Your name first off." Clover said he laughed

"Fair enough, I'm Allen, you?" Allen asked

"I'm Thrae" I said

"Clover." Clover replied

"Cool." he said walking out of the shadows he was in a bunch of two toned armor with a two toned knights mask on the different sides of the armor had different weird effects, the black side of his armore seemed to bleed out and into the shadows the white side was spiky he waved

"Hi." he said casually said my Jaw dropped

"Holy mother of jesus-" I muttered he laughed

"Don't stare too long I'll turn you to stone" he joked I blinked hard making sure I wasn't halucinating

"You can see him too right?" I asked clover she nodded

"Cool, so were looking for the uh- Thorn caves I think they were called?" I said He nodded

"Ah, I see, Follow me." he said turning around and walking forward and then turning a corner that wasn't there before I followed him along with clover we arrived at a very sparkly cave Allen stood at the entrance

"What are you even looking for?" He asked

"Uh, something to reverse a drunk potion." I said he laughed

"Lemme guess for dark?" he said I chuckled

"Actually for one of her friends." I siad

"Moonlight?" He asked I nodded

"Yes." I said, clover was hiding behind me

"You should probably grab more than you think you need. These will only cure the drunk potion your talking about if it's unmodified just so you know." he said handing me some crystals, I nodded

"Thanks for the tip." I said he nods

"Tell Kris I said hi." he said

"I mean, you could tell her yourself, we don't exactly have an exit plan." I said he nodded

"I can help you with that" he said holding his hand out the static bleeding off his arm formed into a coheisive sphere of darkness which he streched and turned into a portal

"Go ahead." he said I stepped through temporarily not being able to breathe I gasped for air as I fell onto the grass my vision cleared and I coughed blinking hard I stood walking back into the castle to see dark and Moonlight playing monopoly and kris curled into a ball her face was red as a tomato.


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