Yours and mine

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Ryan woke up in the hospital, he looked to his side to see Sebastian next to him in another bed. He noticed a similar treatment as him, he was hurt? Ryan thought he took the attack, did he go again and hurt Sebastian? Ryan's thoughts ran through his mind but after few minutes Oliver came in. He first looked at Sebastian who was still sleeping,.and then noticed Ryan awake.

"You're up?"

"Cut it, what happened?"

"Well we were at the party and um a lot of us were drunk but you are at the bar when some guy started hitting on you but Sebastian was keeping a very very close eye one you. Long story short from what Sebastian could remember, he tried to kiss you and while you were trying to get away, you couldn't because of how drunk you were. Sebastian push the guy off and a fight broke between them and the guy got a knife and now we're here"

"....What happened after I passed out?"

"He got loose and tried to stab you out of anger I guess.. but Sebastian put his arms around you and took it instead"

"Was it bad...?"

"Yeah... The knife was left in his arm until he got here.."

"Oh god...."

"Don't worry it's just a few stitches, well more than a few... but it's the same as yours"

"When do we leave?"

"In three days but two for you"


"Well Sebastian has to stay a little longer so they can make sure it didn't damage any bones or anything"

"Why do I leave earlier?"

"Because yours it a really deep cut, while his was a stab"


"We might have to change roommates too, which means you'll be separated"


"Hear me o-"

"No. You're not separating us, end of story."

"Ryan, yours and Sebastian's injuries might need you to be separated, if they suggest you and Sebastian need to be watched or whatever, you'll have to"


"No." Sebastian quickly said. They both turned their heads to look at him.


"Oli I'm sorry but you can't separate us.."

"Yeah, we're not letting that happen.."

"Are you guys hiding something?"

"What would we be hiding?"

"Sebastian? Ryan? Are you together?"




"Oli... You can't separate us, you just can't.... It's very important we stay together besides what if they say we don't need to...? Don't try to separate us, it won't benfit anyone..."

"Fine, but you can't always be together, we're a group with four other people so don't just make it you two"

"Oli we're not trying to, there's just something we can't talk about yet, it's only among us and if Ryan doesn't want to talk about it yet then I won't either"

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