Love you

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Sebastian woke up Ryan and took his hand, he started taking him to a place hidden from everyone else, he then pulled out a blindfold and covered Ryan's eyes. Sebastian picked him up and started walking, of course Ryan trusted Sebastian but he was still a little nervous. He felt Sebastian stop and start talking to someone, a girl... He quickly realized it was Seri but didn't know what they were talking about exactly because he heard her walking away. Sebastian started walking away as well and they soon stopped again, Sebastian carefully put him down. "You ready?" Ryan slowly nodded and Sebastian slowly took off his blindfold, Ryan opened his eyes to see a lovely picnic with snacks as they already had food from the restaurant. Sebastian watched his eyes look at every little thing there, he couldn't help but smile for two reasons, one Ryan's reaction of course and two the girl's decorating the place was perfect... Just as he always imagined their first date. Ryan quickly hugged Sebastian excited making Sebastian laugh because of how cute his reaction is, Ryan pulled Sebastian to the light blue blanket matching the beautiful ocean. Ryan noticed a trail of little purple flowers leading somewhere, he pointed it out to Sebastian and he told him it was for later. Ryan got curious and tried looking to see where it went but a huge rock blocked him from seeing anything.

Sebastian noticed quickly what he was doing and distracted him, they hung out for awhile before deciding to play in water since Ryan has already been to the beach many times so he doesn't got triggered anymore. They splashed each other until they barely had any energy, Sebastian sat in the water leaned against a rock catching his breath but when Ryan came he dropped down by Sebastian splashing him and burst out laughing. Sebastian pick up Ryan and put him in his lap facing him, Ryan froze at this moment and looked Sebastian directly in his eyes. Sebastian kept the eye contact but moved his hands slowly down to his waist, Ryan felt it happen but couldn't look away from Sebastian's eyes that show thirst for something... Sebastian pulled him closer holding him tighter, he broke the eye contact and stared at his lips Ryan kept looking at Sebastian but quickly noticed where Sebastian's eyes were looking, Ryan started feeling shy so he looked down at the water in front of him and Sebastian use his left hand to cup Ryan's face. They both started leaning in as nothing could stop them, the sunset, the sound of waves hitting the rock and no one around... It was perfect. Ryan closed his eyes as they were just centimeters apart, Sebastian attached their lips together and hugged his waist closer as Ryan moved in sync with him, Sebastian didn't want to kiss him this early but Ryan seemed fine with it and he couldn't help himself, he dreamed of this for so long.

They parted after a few minutes and went again for about five minutes just because they both were waiting for this, and just wanted to make it last. After Ryan laid his head on Sebastian's shoulder with his arms wrapped around him...

A/N: sorry this is very short, my mental and physical health are not the best right and then of course there's school so I'll hopefully make a longer chapter next week but I thought I'd release a short chapter since it's better than no chapter so there's that. I'm really sorry but thank you for reading <3

-리 (Minri)

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