Remembering him

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They stayed like that for awhile before they got up. Sebastian took his hand and cleaned up the first area before they started following the trail of little purple flowers. It lead to a cabin that was also hidden, this was Felix's but he let Seri, Lisa, Jisoo, Rosie and Jennie keep it since him and Hyunjin don't go anymore and they live close to the beach and use it a lot. Sebastian opened the door and they went inside there was towels, extra clothes, blankets and pillows and of course purple flowers surrounding the place but greenery everywhere. They changed their clothes and sat on the couch as the sky had finished setting and was now black, Ryan stopped talking to see the stars and full moon. They watched through the window, Ryan took a few pictures of the night sky and the moonlight shining on the sea. It was quiet but also comfortable, they didn't say or do anything just enjoyed the perfect view. It didn't feel like it but a long time had passed, Ryan was the first to notice the time and informed Sebastian. Sebastian packed up their stuff as Ryan continued to look out the window, he even got up to sit outside on the porch.

Ryan thought about the day.. it was perfect, it made him think about thanking Justin. If Justin hadn't convinced him to go with him he would've never met Sebastian, someone who genuinely loved him. Sebastian walked out and locked the door with everything in his hands yet he managed to leave one free to hold Ryan's, Ryan happily took Sebastian's free hand then they started walking to the car. Once they the got to the car Sebastian put everything inside while Ryan got in, Ryan looked out the window now wondering how he got here. Not too long ago he was a shy boy who stayed home most of the time to the point where Justin had to drag him out of his own house, now he was in a group and had a boyfriend. Ryan thought if someone told him he'd be here at this point when he was in highschool he wouldn't have believed them, this was nice, the group was nice, and most importantly being with Sebastian was nice...

Ryan sighed as he smiled, where he was now, to him, was absolutely unbelievable. Just then Sebastian got in and they were off, it was quiet again but it was nice to Ryan. He was honestly having trouble understanding how this was his life right now, he always thought he'd be single with few friends. Ryan thought about all the way home, once they were home he locked himself in the bathroom smiling like crazy. His heart was pounding and he almost couldn't breathe by how happy his was, he felt like jumping around but knew he couldn't or they'd be suspicious. He splashed water onto his face then carefully dried it, he took deep breaths before leaving the bathroom. Sebastian was in the living room while Oliver was asking where we went, Ryan sat with Justin who was far away from Sebastian. Sebastian noticed quickly but decided that Ryan trying not to make their relationship obvious, they were gone all day today together.

Justin was asking about what happened and Ryan told him everything but made sure to make Justin promise not to say anything about it to everyone, of course Justin promised. Ryan sighed.. it was deep but happy, this day was probably the best day he's ever had. Soon they were joined by Regie, Kane, and Darren, they talked about video ideas for a while. At some point everyone stopped paying attention to Ryan so he got up and went outside which no one seemed to notice, it was a nice night and for some reason he just felt drawn out there since his date with Sebastian. He stared at the moon wondering why he was so drawn to it, he felt like he had to be there to stare at it... like he was doing something wrong if he wasn't looking at it. It made him felt better just looking at it, it was a very strange feeling but he sat there thinking.

Suddenly when he looked away he started seeing his ex... he couldn't stop until he unconsciously grabbed a small rock and threw it at him then he was just gone. Ryan's heart was racing by mostly in fear, he remembered his ex did to him but barely was he looked like... a just a few seconds ago he saw him so clearly it was like he was right there. Ryan quietly said his name in shock, he immediately got up and ran inside after a few minutes of more shock. He even ran passed Sebastian and Justin, he locked himself in his and Sebastian's room. He was panicking, why was he thinking about his ex now? It's been forever since everything. He looked outside and then immediately closed the curtains, a few seconds later Sebastian was knocking on the door almost desperate.

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