Is this real...?

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Ryan's Pov
I had just got downstairs and met up with Justin, he invited me to go out since I looked like I needed to.  I wasn't sure if that was actually what I needed but it was worth a shot, maybe it'd get my mind off things. Ty came in and said that there wasn't much to do today so we could skip this meeting, Justin immediately dragged me to his car and we were off. I was a little shocked when he took me to my now  least favorite mall, he asked why I looked really upset so I quickly smiled and said it was fine confessing I hadn't been there in a really long time. He nodded and we went in and when we stepped in I was feeling nostalgic, everything looked the same as it did all those years ago. I started seeing him and myself together in the areas we were a lot, the floor me and Justin were on was where the food court was.

Me and my ex  boyfriend sat at the same table every single time somehow, he always knew exactly what I wanted to eat too. I never ate the same thing when we went and purposely changed it constantly but he still was able to guess, it was one of the things I had loved about him. I sighed at the memory, that's all it was... a memory- but I have Sebastian now so this shouldn't be affecting me. We went downstairs of the mall and into this store that felt very familiar but I couldn't figure out why it was or where I had seen it, suddenly I was in the back of the store. They never really got rid of clothes but had them in the back of the store, I remember hearing about it somewhere they bought two stores so they had enough room to do this but also had to convince the mall owner to let them tear down the wall separating them.

I was going through those clothes kinda bored already, I found this one shirt I liked and went to try it on. As I left to show Justin wherever he was I fucking tripped, I cursed as I was falling back. I closed my eyes waited to hit the ground but someone caught me, I thanked them and looked up...

"Hyunjun..." I said quietly.

"R-Ry?" I slowly nodded.

"Wow, you're different than I remember... even more pretty"

"Shut up!" I said immediately.

"Ry, chill out.. before you say anything else I want to apologize to you"

"It's kinda too late for that.."

"I know but anyway, I'm sorry.. truth is I really did love you but then this girl in my friend group threatened to tell my parents we were together because she was jealous"

"Aren't your parents..?"

"Homophobic? Yes, that's why I did what she said... I broke up with you saying it was a bet because she told me to"

"Y'know I was really hurt? You were my everything and I had thought we were good together but then you just broke up with me out of nowhere.."

"I know... I couldn't cope with the pain either... I dropped her after I really realized what I had done and honestly still haven't recovered, I still hate myself for what I did and I think about it every time I get into a relationship"

"Okay okay, I'll forgive you if you stop talking about it"

"Thank you so much Ry"

"Well I should go find Justin now..."

"You're still friends with him? Wow"

"Mn, I'll get going now"

"Okay- wait!"


"C-can we be friends?"


"Can I have your number please?"

"Fine then" I gave him my phone number because I just wanted to get back to Justin.

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