20- rooster

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"How did I end up in this situation?" You thought. Tonight was supposed to fun, a celebration. You and your friends were supposed to be out celebrating Phoenix who in a few days would become Mrs. Hangman as you all liked to joke. Most people would think a joint Bachelor/ Bachelorette party at your favorite bar was a crazy idea, but to the Dagger fam, it was the only way.

So, why weren't you inside doing shots with the rest of your friends? Why instead of singing karaoke where you gasping for breath with your skirt bunched up around your hips? Why were you being pressed against the outside rear wall of the Hard Deck instead of leaned up against a pool table? Why instead of a beer bottle pressed to your lips, you found yourself with your tongue in your husband's mouth?

The answer? Something you liked to call "Green-Eyed Rooster"

Let's stop and take a moment to recall the events that lead you to this exact position. Events that started ages before even you and Rooster were married, back in the days when your relationship was just beginning, yes, let's start there.

Six years ago, you became an elite Top Gun Graduate, and not just any Graduate, the top of your class. Lt. Y/N "Cherry" Anderson the plaque read as it was handed to you, your face beaming with pride. Just to your right was your wingman, and second in class Lt. Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw.

You smiled at him as he caught your eye while people were congratulating you on your top finish. After the ceremony you saw him weave through the crowd and stop to talk to another Navy man, your eyes widen when you saw it was the legendary Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.

You had hoped to speak to Rooster after, you see during the 13 week program you may or may not have developed some feelings for the mustached man, and now that it was finally over you wanted to ask him on a date, however, you also didn't want to be rude and disturb his conversation with the man you would later find our was his Godfather.

You turned on your heels only to be met with a wall of man. "Cherry, baby, congratulations." Lt. Kyle "Flash" Malcolm said in his thick New Jersey accent.

"Thanks Flash." You replied quickly trying to get away from him. You didn't like the way he was looking at you. Flash was one of those guys, who despite the very strict no fraternization rule in place at Top Gun, would not stop hitting on you. And every time he did you reminded him of it.

"Listen Cher, now that we have graduated the rule doesn't apply to us anymore, so what'd'ya say youse and me get outta here huh? Let me take you on that date now?" He asked with a wink.

You internally rolled your eyes. You knew you couldn't give him the same excuse that had worked the past three months and he knew that too. Little did both of you know that a certain sandy haired man had been watching, waiting for the right moment to ask his wingman out, and he was not happy that jerk from Jersey was trying to weasel his way in.

Rooster quickly excused himself from Maverick and cleared the distance between the two of you in three strides. You gasped when you felt his arm slide comfortably around your waste. You looked up at him with a questioning glance. He looked back down and shot you a wink.

"Sorry Flash, Cherry and I have plans this evening. Now that we have graduated, wanted to take my wingman out for some drinks and a proper date. Spent three months waiting to ask her, because rules, and I don't plan on waiting any longer." Rooster stated before whisking you away to join him and Maverick.

"Thank you for that Roos, you would think after me telling him no several times he would take the hint. Once he is gone, I will leave you and Captain Mitchell to your plans." You replied

"Cherry, I believe I said I was going to take you on a proper date, and I plan to do just that. I meant it, I've been waiting patiently and I am done. I wasn't just trying to help you get out of an awkward situation, I want everyone in this whole damn class to know you're mine." He whispered in your ear before Maverick found you two.

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