Chapter 24: Vinla Daiyu

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“‘To victory, or death.’ We live for one purpose. To obtain victory at all costs, or die trying. It doesn’t matter how victory is attained. It doesn’t matter how many people die. So long as we have victory, we have fulfilled our purpose. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why…” Albedo thought to herself. She was dashing through a forest path, alongside Yuze, Yulan, and Xiuying. “The keep is ahead. Remember our orders. Execute everyone inside. Spare no one.” Yuze said. Albedo looked ahead. A dark stone castle was rapidly approaching. It was built against a mountain, though it was too dark to see much else. Even the moon was ominously dark, the symbol of a new cycle of night. But what would this cycle bring? Albedo feared she already knew the answer. “We know, Yuze. No need to remind us every ten minutes.” Yulan responded to Yuze’s earlier remark, “Your lack of care will be your demise, Yulan.” Yuze said, “Hmph. Whatever you say. What do you think, Captain Albedo?” Yulan asked. Albedo remained silent. “Are we really about to do this…?” She thought to herself. “Jeez…we can’t even rely on her…why is she the leader again? They should really make me Captain.” Yulan said, “Huh…? Sorry…I was just thinking…” Albedo replied, “Thinking about what?” Yulan asked, “Nothing. The keep is ahead. Remember the plan.” Albedo answered.

As they got close to the wall, Albedo pointed her sword at the ramparts! “Xiuying!” She exclaimed, “On it!” Xiuying responded, throwing her hands out! Suddenly, a blast of wind sent them all up onto the ramparts! They all landed shakily, aside from Xiuying. “I’ll never get used to that…” Albedo said, “Watch out!” Xiuying responded! A Snake Knight was slashing towards Albedo from behind! She turned around, and sliced him in half! She followed this up by decapitating him! “Thanks for the heads up…” Albedo said. Xiuying gave her a thumbs up. “That was the only guard?” Albedo asked, looking around. Yuze stepped forward. “Of course it was. This is a castle housing the last stragglers of Clauve’s army. They are not a heavily fortified army. They are a bundle of weeds that must be exterminated.” He said. Albedo looked down sadly, but nodded. “Well, Captain, we will leave Vinla Daiyu to you. We’ll take care of the rest.” Yuze said. Everyone dashed off at once, aside from Albedo. She looked at the Snake’s corpse in sorrow. “I’m…I’m sorry…” She said. She dashed off to follow the others into the castle walls.

She dove through a window, landing in a hallway. The halls were dimly lit by candles, with no decor or furnishings around. The castle was an old fort used by Celestials, until it was abandoned. It had been repurposed as a last stronghold for the Snake Kingdom, though they didn’t have anything to move in. The few supplies they had were reserved for the sick and wounded. And speaking of the wounded, two wounded Snake Knights rushed into the hall from a nearby door! One was missing an arm, with a large slash across his chest. The other had a massive gash through his side, with a missing eye. They struggled to lift their swords, but lifted them nonetheless. They rushed towards Albedo, only for her to effortlessly cut them down! Even if the Snakes were at full strength, they would have stood no chance. In terms of pure skill, Albedo could have easily toppled a stronghold by herself. Though she was always with her team, leading to a massive boost in strength. It was little wonder most of them went on to become Council members. After she cut down the two Snakes, a healer rushed out of the room to see what happened. She looked at the dead bodies, then at Albedo. “M-Monster!” She screamed! Albedo froze.

She looked down at her hands and sword, coated in the blood of the wounded. Suddenly, golden lightning struck the healer, blowing her apart instantly! Yuze walked past Albedo. “Are you just going to stand there, Captain? Or are you going to deal with Vinla Daiyu?” He asked, “I-I’m on it…” Albedo answered. Yuze narrowed his eyes at her, before entering the room the healer emerged from. A moment later, screams of terror were heard from within. Albedo remained paralyzed. She didn’t want to do this. She wasn’t even certain that she could. They were on the brink of ending the war. But surely there was a better way to do it. Why did the Dragon Emperor insist that everyone in the castle died? Slowly, and in extreme discomfort, she continued through the castle. As she walked through the castle, she found pools of blood and dismembered bodies lining the halls. The one thing that remained constant was that they were all injured or sick prior to their deaths. They were slaughtering those too weak to defend themselves. Was this the price of war? Amidst the screams of terror, the sights of gore, the stench of death…she just wanted to disappear. She wanted everything to end. She felt a heat in the back of her neck, and a growing headache from the stress. She fell to her knees hardly able to keep going.

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