the very beginning

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You lay in bed, mind racing, trying to figure out just who had decided to throw you from the astronomy tower when flashes flooded your brain, you wince in pain upon realising this wasn't your room, the walls were too clean and bright for that to be the case.
You Frantically look around to see where you are, only to realise someone was sitting at the side of your bed.
You try to get a closer look at the person only to be pulled back down again viciously, causing a small yelp to be released from your lips, the moment your head hit the pillow you were out like a light.
You were fast asleep unaware of the true danger that was sat just inches away from you, grinning ear from ear like he had just caught his prey, because Tom Marvolo Riddle always got what he wanted one way or another.
His grin soon became more softer and more polite when the healer arrived at your bed side making sure to act as innocent as possible, he hated having to pretend to be nice to people below him, even if it was a means to an end.
"ah Tom-" Tom looked up at the healer who began her boring speech about time and being close to midnight but he didn't mind that, he couldn't stand being called by his given name, he had realised in the summer that his no good muggle father was the one he was named after and that In raged him, after clutching his knuckles until they were possibly broken he let out a breath and nodded to the healer, leaving his post and headed down to the Slytherin common room to read some more dark art books.
You awaken during the night quite a lot having vivid dreams of the day before, remembering Skip it's of information but never close enough to understand the whole pitcher, this enraged you as you were a puzzle solver and no mystery went unsolved when you were around. Even when you were little you would go around looking for lost things and finding them like a little Detective.
The day light rose in through the curtains making you wake up instantly as you were never a good sleeper, this caught the attention of the healer as she rushed over towards you, ignoring other students as she pounced on you.
"your finally awake, I thought I'd have to get riddle boy to wake you" she winked and chuckled causing you to raise your eyebrow at her absurd accusation.
"Well now, you'll experience some slight head ache but that's nothing worse than death " she said while handing you some potion to calm you down, you take it and bid her good bye, hoping to never be in the hospital Wing again.
from your understanding the healer had said you'd missed three days meaning you were behind and you couldn't afford to lose to that arrogant , two faced riddle, just hearing his name made you boil with rage .
You walked the slytherin common room to find tom fast asleep in his most favourite arm chair, holding a dark arts book, this causes your interest to spike up and reach for it knowing too well that riddle was a light sleeper you slowly take the book and replace it with a romantic novel your friend had gotten you, smiling at your victory upon getting something from riddle you wanted to see how far you could push your luck, so without a second thought you drew on his face laughing at your handy work making him stir but you could tell he was beyond tired.
You walk into your dormitory to see Bellatrix and Parkinson getting ready, as they look at you they ran towards you, almost knocked you over while giving you a bear hug.
"omg we've missed you" pansy spoke while letting go of you, while Bellatrix grabbed hold of you like you were gonna fade away again "what happened?" you gave her a knowing look and she let go of you "if I ever find out who did this, trust me they won't need to worry about exams" pansy and Bellatrix gave each other knowing looks and spoke in unison "were in, no one deserves to live if they tried to murder are best friend" you all giggled and began to get ready for another day of studying.
You passed riddle as he started waking up, everyone giggling at his new appearance, tom just gave you a puzzled look and then noticed his book had become lighter, his face became in raged upon finding out he was holding such a muggle item and being a romantic book no less made his blood boil he knew who would dare do this, as he had put everyone else in place but of cause the smirking girl sat across from him.
Tom knowing too well violence wasn't the answer to get information from you as you would just ignore him causing him to become more agitated, so he calmed down and asked politely trying not to lace his words with venom "where is my book l/n?" you look up from your newspaper and give him a puzzled look putting you finger on your chin to indicate you were thinking causing tom to internally yell and curse at you "oh you mean the one you were cradling last night?" Tom groaned and nodded "I threw it away" you smiled cheekily "you did what?" tom said forgetting his facade while rounding on you, this caused you to laugh "can't you take a joke riddle, of cause I didn't throw it out" you say while handing him the book "I need to keep ahead of you so I finished reading it before you" you said while sticking your tongue out childishly, making tom turn away from you "oh and you might want to check what's on your face " you say while giggling, just as tom was about to look at what you had done you ran out to your lesson with slug horn.

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