Chapter 2 - Slughorn's classroom

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Tom arrived later than usual causing slug horn to raise an eye brow at his favourite student "Tom 'my boy any reason your late today" Tom looked at you with rage in his eye if looks could kill you would have been dead long ago.
"I was helping a first year get to there class sir" Tom spoke softly and politely as if he'd rehearsed it countless times.
"ah, no worries 'my boy, I was just mentioning to the class the properties of Amortentia, care to take a sniff, I bet your dying to find out-" slug horn stopped upon hearing some girls giggle in the back making tom sigh and walk up to the cauldron, he sniffed and sniffed but only the faintest of smells could be distinguished "what do you smell 'my boy" slug horn beamed at Tom causing him to back up from the man "I smell books" Tom spoke but too quickly as slug horn looked at Tom and then smiled, "very well then, please take your seat, and starting from the front to the back everyone take a sniff. I want a full detailed report about what you've smelled tomorrow " slug horn said while watching the class begin to reach the cauldron.
Tom sat down beginning to write what he had smelled , he hadn't lied to slug horn he just hadn't told him all that he smelled, he could smell roses as well, he had no idea where the smell had come from, he had always thought him self immune to love or any sort of affection to anyone. Tom scanned the room trying to figure out if anyone remotely smelled like roses when it hit him, his rage was once again on fire, breaking another finger and quickly repairing it, he smiled at how good he was getting with repairing broken bones, but that did not stop the fact that y/n was the person that smelled of roses and that caused tom to wonder if slug horn had made the potion correctly, scoffing to him self he left to read in the library far away from prying eyes.
"so what did you smell?" Bellatrix begged as you exited the potions class room "um... rain, cookies, cologne and blood" Bellatrix looked shocked at the last two "I didn't know you enjoyed blood?" this caused you to wink at the girl and she giggled "I guess you are in slytherin after all" you both walk towards the Great Hall to eat some well deserved lunch, you couldn't help but wonder where Tom was, pansy waved her hand infront of you making you look at her angrily "earth to y/n" she chanted as you noticed everyone look at you expectantly "what?" this caused pansy to huff "haven't you been listening, I asked what you smelled in lesson" you shrugged and continued to eat you half eaten sandwich, causing pansy to pounce on you "it was riddle wasn't it, I see the way you look at him" pansy said while holding your sandwich triumphantly "no, I have no idea all I smelt were cookies, rain, blood and cologne" you said uncaring and more interested in reaching for your sandwich "how interesting " pansy said while handing your sandwich back, you found out Bellatrix smelled Green grass and butter beer and pansy smelled smoke and arrogance, as she put it while looking directly at malfoy, who in turn gave her a smug smile clearly aware of there love hate relationship going on.
As lunch finished you made it to Transfiguration with professor Dumbledore, walking past some people making out and being lovey dovey making you almost sick at the show of affection, you vowed you'd never be like that, along with cursing slug horn for bringing everyone together.
Rolling your eyes for the hundredth time, Tom had managed to answer every answer correctly much to your annoyance it was like he was put on this earth to test you.
Even though Tom despised Dumbledore he would answer his questions making sure to be always right he hated the old man's smugness and this only made him want to put him down a peg or two, making y/n annoyed was just the cherry on top.
You huffed and placed your head on the desk already finished with the assignment, that being turn your animal into a cup, poor pecky didn't get a chance to hoot in protest as she was turned into a snowy cup.
"Miss l/n, does my lesson bore you?" Dumbledore spoke in a calm tone almost scolding you, while everyone turned from there assignment to see the commotion.
"yeah a little bit" Dumbledore was taken aback by your brutal honesty almost forgetting to stay calm, Tom noticed your ability to rile people up and smirked to him self.
"Is that so, then I guess you could help the other students with it, if its so easy it bores you to sleep" at this you rolled your eyes again something that didn't go unnoticed by Dumbledore and Tom, at Dumbledore's frown you approached the struggling students and helped them achieve the assessment.
"Your saying it wrong its not verto Vera, its vera verto " you say while showing your classmates, making them laugh at the common mix up and you to roll your eyes "not like that, you'll take someone's eye out" you whined as a Hufflepuff was spinning her wand about like a mad man trying to get the incantation to work, "look at my movements," you say while slowly tapping the cup and flicking it to turn her rat into a cup, causing the Hufflepuff to blush in embarrassment.
You had finished helping all the students just as the bell signalled for your next class, you beamed up as this was the only class you and riddle didn't share - muggle studies, you were of cause a pure blood and having a wondering mind you just had to know what you were missing out on, from cars to tiny boxes that people could communicate with it was all to new and adventurous, you skipped off to the class while tom watched in disbelief.
You sat down next to Avery, toms little friend but was slowly becoming best of buds with , you saw this as another triumph as you stole one of Tom's friends from him but that was petty and even you knew Tom wouldn't bat an eye at losing Avery.
"so what did I miss" you said as Avery sat down next to you, causing Avery to look puzzled for a second and blush "oh I smelt dust and smoke" this made you think of only one person and upon realising this you blurted it out in a sing son voice "you like Rosier" causing quite a few stares especially from said girl, "I do not y/n, I can't anyway I am to marry black remember " at this you slumped in your chair "why not tell your family you don't love her" at this Avery scoffed "you realise its not about love its more of a strategy to make are families stronger." You gasp not really realising this was indeed your fate too if you didn't find someone this year" you look at Avery pleading for his advice "why not fake date someone, that way your parents can't force you to get with someone if your already with them" you looked at Avery as if he'd grown two heads. "Well sorry for trying to be helpful" he went off on a rant about how he had done it the year before when he heard his parents talking about marriage.
You noticed the class room was empty when Avery finally stopped talking, that boy could really talk ones ear off, knowing not to ask but to curious not to you spoke "but who would even go out with me?" Avery began listing names but none of them fit the quality's you saw in a boyfriend even if they were fake you didn't want to have to deal with a dick and then smile like nothing happened, Avery had become blue in the face forgetting once again to breathe while talking "so I'd say go to professor slug horn I bet he'd know who your soulmate is from that paper we have to give him tomorrow." this made you shoot up from your seat, rapping your arms around him while kissing him on the cheek "thank you Avery, I think you just saved my life" Avery laughed at your dramatic action and then gave a puzzled look "who do your parents want you to be with anyway, it must be bad if your going to all this length " you scowled remembering the letter you had received from your parents this morning. "malfoy" this caused Avery to almost choke on air, giving you a sorrowful look "Well I hope you the best, anyone stuck with malfoy is a slave and nothing but an object to him" this caused you to shiver knowing too well how malfoy acts, being childhood friends made it harder for you to even consider marrying him, he was more like a baby brother to you than anything else.
You walked out of the class room only to collide with Tom "sorry" you said as you moved aside "what are you doing here anyway?" you said while tom looked at you for a second "I am here for Avery, you haven't managed to kill him yet have you?" Tom said in a joking tone but somewhere mixed between the lines he was being serious, he always managed to turn his words into double meanings you thought to your self as Avery finally came out of the classroom.
"What took you so long, I've been waiting ten minutes for you" Tom huffed as Avery shrunk down hiding behind you for support, causing tom to look down at the pair of you "what are you still doing her y/n" you scoffed and pointed to your Slytherin badge "I am headed the same way" Tom scowled "Avery answer my question, I don't like my time wasted" you roll your eyes at his antics and answer for the terrified boy "he was helping me with something" this causes toms eye brow to raise and noticeably become interested in the conversation "which was?" you look at him and then Avery 'I don't think you need to know that riddle".
You arrived at your dorm to see Lestrange, Malfoy, Rosier and Nott sitting in a circle formation, you raised an eye brow but left to your room not wanting to be apart of what was going on.
"now that I've finally gotten Avery, we can begin" Tom said while sitting down.
"what's the big plan this time?" Malfoy asked seemingly impatient, Tom stud up and walked behind malfoy hexing him to be quiet "now that everyone is here, I have found the whereabouts of the chamber of secrets" everyone gasped and clapped for there leader "there will be a lot of muggle deaths if I can help it" causing the table to erupt in laughter but was soon silent once Avery shot his hand up "where and what is in the Chamber tom?" Tom looked at Avery and considered telling them but knowing nothing made people fearful and he was the leader they had no right to find out plans like they were equals, so he scowled and threw another hex at the boy making him hop like a bunny, Tom loved humiliating his followers so they were loyal without a doubt and what better way than through fear.

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