4. In the morning

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Recap: You guys thought about each other and you hoped that he didn't read your mind at that time, you also decided to text your 'boyfriend' and told him you are staying at Emeritus III's place tonight anf he accused you of cheating on him and it turns out he cheated on you with your best friend.

In the morning, you were tired and bearly slept at all because you were up all night crying because your 'boyfriend' broke up with you to get with your best friend instead. Your face was red from crying, you exited the guest room and hid your face to make sure he didn't ask questions 'bout why Y/N are sad.

"Hey, good mor-. Hold on, are you okay?"

He asks with a worried face, approaching you hugging you. You start to burst out crying in his arms and you told him every little detail of what happend. 

"I-Im just overreacting! My boyfriend, more like ex boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. I told him that I will be coming home today and that I am staying at your place for the night and he told me that I am cheating on him but then he told me that it wouldn't matter because he only got togheter with me to get closer to my best friend!"

I said to him completeley out of breath. I tried to stop crying but the tears went down my face like a damn waterfall- He sat me down in the sofa and made me some breakfast and gave it to me, he also ate his at the same time as we sat under a blanket in the sofa as he started to talk with a very calm voice. 

"You know, he is a douchebag. You know that, right? The name H/N will ALWAYS be a red flag for guys, especially because he was dating YOU"

Dating me? Well, he was a rude guy anyway.. H/N never treated me good, neither with his ex and with his friends.. He was always making fun of people, not my best friend though. He always complimented my best friend but never me.

"Well, maybe you are right.. He was a douchebag! A real big one! Also, thank you for you know.. All of this, I appreciate it. You guys have always been a number 1 fan, I've always wondered if I would ever find the right music to listen to..

And I did! You guys are the perfection of what a band is called, I really love it. All of your songs, perfection. You and your band members, perfection!"

He got a big smile on his face with alot of appreciation, wow. I've never seen him so happy, not even in videos or pictures. That is a big suprise but his smile sure is cute..

"I heard that, so you think my smile is cute huh?"

Oh shit. I forgot he could read minds! Well, this is bad. Very bad, I'm happy he said something about it otherwise I would have been embarrassed by whatsoever he knew I was thinking.

"Well, I'm happy you know about it. Otherwise it would have been a big suprise for you who didn't know about it, wait. You didn't know about it before I told you?"

Holy shit, am I a fake fan now?! Oh no, panic panic. What should I say? Meh, he can hear this right now, it doesn't matter what I say. I'll just say something!

"No, I didn't. I've never thought anyone could really do that.. Well, I guess I was wrong"

I told him as he chuckled, oh well. I was very wrong but that's fine, I'm just embarrassed from all of this. I mean, first I said in my mind that his smile is cute then I didn't know he could read minds! Holy shit, I mean un-holy shit! 

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know, I've never heard people talk about it! I'm so sorry!"

I told him as he chuckled AGAIN. He keeps chuckling again and again, I really don't understand why, maybe he just laughed at me? Nah, he wouldn't laugh AT me if he would comfort me.

"Hey, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the fact that you think I've said this online? No, theres no way I would post that, all these fans would ho crazy and be like 'what if he is reading my mind right now' or something like that which would be VERY annoying."

He said as I sigh in relief. Well, that was good news at least. That is awesome to hear, since I am his first ever fan it would be weird if I didn't know about it if he has posted about it, which he hasn't.


Words: 807

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