7. Why him?

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Hold on, before I start this.. I just relized my story is number one on #2006 !! I couldn't have done it without you guys! Thank you so much <3
Recap from chapter 6:

You and Papa went to the 'church' and kissed but you didn't talk about it since it was a bit uhmm.. Embarrassing for you since you took it too far. He then drove you home and gave you a 500,000 dollar check and now you're a part of their band. He also saved you from your bully.

Uhm, my sister is crazy. Giovanna has NEVER been this nice before, especially on a busy day. Well, seems like she really want me to get uh.. With someone?

"Oh just go before I change my mind! Otherwise you'll never get a chance with anyone and if they are good enough I'll even let you work two days a week and also double your payment. Also, the 'good enough' person is him" She said pointed at Terzo.

I instantly turned red and grabbed his hand and went away. "I uh- I guess we have a date n-" I get cut off by a kiss on my lips. "Sorry, I couldn't resist your cuteness" he said as I felt it getting hotter. Am I sweating? Oh no, not on our uh-- Date? Well shit. I already fucked it up though, I am so embarressed. "Haha, that's fine. You can kiss me anytime you'd want ;) ------- I also need to go home and change into some better clothes!" he grabbed my waist and said "Wear that outfit you had on our ritual.." 

(Their concerts are called a ritual btw)

Mm, some tight ass clothes that looks like his clothes. Well, his wish will be granted. I mean, I love that outfit. It's just that it brings out my chest so much and that's kinda weird, well not being with his band since their rituals are very much about sex and all, which I don't mind at all since they all have some dirty thoughts and all but that's fine-

I don't mind that either, he then walks with me home with his hand and arm around my waist. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach just flying around, they are multiplying! Shit, am I really falling for this man? Well, that ain't good but neither bad I guess? Look, I know those girls and boys who would gladly be me right now, him holding around me, going on a date togheter and all. But really, with a 41 y/o? Yeah, even them think that could be them but hell nah, he's with me. Well, were not a couple or anything but still.. He is with me right now STill holing his arm around MY FUCKING WAIST OMG, I don't think he will let me go until it's time for me to change. I feel like he wouldn't let me go when I change either, it's almost like he is glued to me, what a weird but nice feeling..

"I can still hear your loud thoughts, darling. And no, I'm definetily not glued to you I'm just uh.. Showing them that you are mine and no one else. Like that guy over there looking at you" I burst out laughing and he looks at me confused by why I am lughing so much "He is looking at us, dummy. He probably thinks it's weird that a 41 year old man is holding around a girl who could easily be his daughter, Terzo. You know, you could literally be my dad" I said as I chuckled at his reaction that then turned into a grin, uh oh. I know he has something in mind when he does that grin, I wanna know but at the same time I don't because It'll probably be something uhh.. Non-child friendly.

"Well sure, you could call me daddy all day and all night long ;)" I stop and just stand there in shock but also.. I am flustered. I am literally speechless, I-I don't know what so say. WHY HIM?! Why him?! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM THINKING BUT MY BUTTERFLIES ARE SURE ALL AROUND MY BODY. Both in my freaking mind and in my stomach, more like E-V-E-R-Y   F-R-E-A-K-I-N-G  W-H-E-R-E! "Oh Terzo, what has gotten to your mind? Also, you know I am no-ones, right? Especially not yours, I am not yours honey." I said as I probably knew what his response is. "Well, not yet.. Just not yet.." Argh, I knew it! I knew that they would be his exact words, gosh. I don't know what is going trough his mind but I know that I DO NOT want to know, his thoughts might be scary, horny, sweet, or all of them! 

We then arrive as I take my keys and realised I forgot them at work. "SHIT! I FORGOT MY FUCKING KEYS AT WORK! I ain't going back there to get my keys and walk ALL THE WAY back here, sorry Papa. But it ain't happening, your wish won't be granted today" I then see that he is reaching in his pockets and pulls out a few keys stuck on a keychain. He then pulls out a key that looks like my key and unlocks the door. "I- How- You have my keys?!" He nodded and when we came in he told me a thing I was not really suprised he'd do. 

"I found one of your loose keys to your apartment yesterday and decided that take it with me just incase you forget your keys somewhere. Don 't worry, I'm not giving them to nobody. Just keepin' them for myself" He said as I gave him the 'what the actual fuck' face. Well he is a clever guy but still- My keys, he took my keys lmao. As I said before I ain't suprised he did that, well it do feel a bit weird that he has my keys but oh well..




Words: 995

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