In my feelings

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I haven't thought how to put what I'm feeling words. Sad would be the closest way to explain it.

I sit at the corner of computer class. Listening to my music. I slowly fall asleep with witty singing to my ears. I act solitary whenever I can. But whenever I do I "get into my feelings." let me tell you something, I've never thought that overthinking could actually be bad for you but damn it is. I've creating so many problems just thinking and over thinking. When someone I care about is mad at me, I over think a lot about them and I think constantly what I did wrong and things like that and I end up feeling worse. In the past like three months ago past, I would worry about everything but thanks to someone that I love I've learned not to worry as much. But there's a couple of people that have pushed me to the far end to learn not to give a fuck. Since that person doesn't give a fuck, why should I?

Sometimes when I sit here I want someone to hug me and tell me that everything will be alright. I've been needing that a lot.

She said that he helped her get out of tough places and I think that's true. So I listen to him too. Witt, I don't care if I can't relate but if I can feel how upset and angry he is in his songs then I'd say he's a great rapper.

"Perfect is perception, perception is all they can see"

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