I finished watching "the pursuit of happyness." And no it's not a typo. I realized that everything in life is gonna be hard. Even when everything seems like if it's falling apart, if you stay determined until it becomes your habit you will get what you want. And it is true. "Hard work pays off." This man in the movie "Chris" had a hard life. The only thing that kept him going was his son, which was his son in real life. Chris had a divorce with his wife and his wife couldn't afford to keep his son. He demanded to keep his son and the wife left. From the apartment Chris couldn't pay the rent and they kicked him out. From there they went to a motel and they also got kicked out. Later all he had was 21 dollars in his bank account. Chris and his son when to the subway and they had to sleep in the bathroom, he broke down next to his sleeping son. And that's when it hit me that his life is hard and that everything just keeps falling apart. They were forced to go to the church where they had a place to stay. While doing all that he was applying for an internship for a job of something like market stocks.
Whatever, look i lost my train of thought. Life is gonna be hard as fuck but it's not impossible. (: