New Girl

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Demming's was a very prestigious school mostly for the rich, so when a new person joined, the entire student body was aware. Even if that person joined during the summer, it was always interesting to see a new face. I didn't want another follower though. Even Leo was getting tired of rich popular guy thing.

I couldn't wait until it senior year was over. After I was done with school, I could go back to the CIA's program, even though Leo and I officially join them in December because that's when we turn eighteen. I was the best in the minors program, and I hope to keep that reputation when I make it to the real thing. Technically, it's illegal for the CIA to recruite people under eighteen, so they decided to train some guys that were at the top of their class.

I swear Leo was disappointed that there weren't any "kick-ass" girls in the group. Then again there weren't any girls at all in the group. The director said it was because this was a guys program, for we would be living with each other for the rest of our kid/teen years. Yeah. Rooming with a teenager girl probably would have been awkward.

Currently, there were ten guys in our group, but only Leo and I were at Demming's while the others were at other schools across the U.S. I guess you could call it our own little diaspora...

Back to what I was saying before. Everyone in the school would know when a new person would be coming to the school. This time it was a girl. I just know Leo's gonna flirt with her. So that means she'll either blow him off, or fall for him.

"Dude..." Leo said as he waved an arm in front of my face. "We gotta go to class, the sooner we get their, the better seats we can claim."

I nodded. Seniors at Demming's got to choose the seats they sit in for each class, except for during testing.

I took a look at my schedule. Leo and I both has the same classes together, as always, and our lockers were next to each other.

Our first class was history with the over exuberant Mr. Jall. The guy was really lenient.

"What about the seats in the corner. I really feel like playing on my phone while we learn about the French Revolution." I said.

Leo gave my a wicked grin and dragged me to the classroom.

When we got there the only other person there was an unfamiliar face reading a book. Must be the new girl. She was sitting next to the seats we wanted to claim.

"Yo." Leo called as he made his way over to our new seats. "I call the window seat."

"Whatever" I told him.

After Leo officially claimed his seat, by putting his name in ink on the seat roster, he finally realized that there was a girl in the room, sitting next to me... Not him.

"Can we pleeaasssseee trade seats?!" Leo asked me with a puppy face.

"Your fault for not being aware." I responded coolly. His puppy dog face does not work on me... HAHAHA!!!

Leo huffed at me, but cooperated.

The seats in front and behind Leo and me filled up the fastest, by you can guess who.

Leo was flirting with the girls, who I swear had hearts in their eyes.

There were whispers and snide remarks made about the new girl sitting next to me. Things like "That little bitch took my seat," or, " Damn her."

"Hey Lukey," said a girl. Great, it's Shaley.

Shaley was very pretty but she was so rude and stuck up. I honestly am happy that I don't have to sit next to her in this class.

"All you people have to get in your seats," a low, gruff voice belonging to Mr. Jall said. Everyone scrambled into the seats they had chosen. And a group of fangirl sulked over to their friends.

"This is your senior year, and I have a nagging feeling that most of you aren't going to pay any attention to what I am going to be teaching. You know the rules of this placer so yeah."

Everyone just nodded.

"You guys will be having a new person in your class and since I need some coffee, I'll have them introduce themselves. And she has the same schedule as Luke and Leo, so they have to show her around."

There sighs, and I almost cried.

Mr Jall left and summoned the girl next to me up in front of the class. And then he promptly left to get his coffee.

Now that I saw her standing straight, I could see that she had black hair with the ends died teal. She also had silver eyes that weren't contacts but they looked so unnatural. This girl is strange, dressed in combat boots and jeans with a t-shirt and jacket.

She seemed to be surveying everyone.

"So new girl, we would like your name," Shelby said with a sneer. I can't believe I actually dated that girl.

"Name's  Art Skeler," the girl said with a dry tone like she couldn't care less. To be honest, neither could I.

"Just stay away from Luke and Leo and we'll leave you alone." Shelby said haughty. I mentally facepalmed. Shelby was gonna scare the new girl on the same day.

"Leo, why did I ever date her?"

"Becuase I dared you to."

"I hate you dude, I really do."

Art came back to her seat and sat down. I have a feeling that Mr. Jall got a hangover from his "coffee" since he didn't return to class. Soon everyone was just talking with each other except Art who was reading a book.

I walked over and and long line of fangirls followed me. Time to keep up my act.

"So," I winked," What a beautiful nick name. What's it short for?"

She continued to look at her book. I am a great actor.

"Artemis, the Greek goddess that is very sexist towards men," she replied with a bored tone as she flipped a page in her book.

I inwardly sighed,  this school finnaly has a girl that's uninterested, but alas,

I have to ask her our to keep up my facade.

You see, Leo and I aren't only here to get a high school education, but also to search for a serial killer that could be one of the teachers. Leo and I had to make a common role for ourselves so that we could fit in.

"How 'bout you and I go to the pier over the lake tonight at eight?" I asked with my "hot guy" voice.

"No thanks, I don't do dating."

There were gasps and Art just flipped another page of her book.

"HOW DARE YOU REJECT LUKEY-POO!!!!!!" Shaley and Shelby shouted. Their twins FYI.

They went up to Art's desk to punch her, but she easily blocked their punches. It would be cool to see her go against Ellie, the number one tough girl who could easily put you in a body cast, well not Leo and I though.

The bell rang and everyone hurried out.

Art turned around and said," That's just sick to use girls like that."

"It feels nice to hear a rejection for once," I said a little hurt by Art's words.

"Yup," Leo said nodding.

Then we promptly had a race to gym.

(A/N_ So that's the first chapter. I know it's a little cheesy but yeah. So i will publishing more chapters of  One Smile will do but I really wanted to try this out. Some of the future are just going to be of different classes. Kay?)
Bie my little Wg5ats (this is not a typo)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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