Chapter 43

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The following Saturday dawned the final Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. That morning during breakfast the Great hall erupted in loud cheers when the Gryffindor team strolled in, their chests puffed out proudly as they basked in the lauding.

"No one ever cheers for us," Draco muttered petulantly under his breath as he watched with undisguised jealousy as Harry Potter joined his table to much pats on the backs and well wishes from his fellow Gryffindors.

"That's because we generally aren't well liked, Draco. We Slytherins aren't people pleasers," Lauren explained as she nibbled on her toast. "We really don't give two sweet fu-."

"Lauren!" Tracey scolded.

Lauren rolled her eyes, internally wondering why her friend was even bothering to try and make a good girl out of her. "We really don't give two sweet fudge sundaes about what others think. Is that better, Tracey."

"Yes, much better," Tracey agreed with a nod.

Lauren sighed and turned her attention back to Draco. "It doesn't matter about how popular you are, Draco. What matters in the end is how much you mean to the ones closest to you."

"And you mean the world to us, Draco," Tracey finished. "And we'll be on that stadium rooting and cheering for you."

"And we know you're going to do great." Lauren forced on the smile on her face for her friend's sake. No matter which way she spun it, Gryffindor was always destined to win.

Draco glanced down at his untouched cup of orange juice, his platinum blonde hair falling into his eyes not managing to hide the blush that had crept onto his pale cheeks.

"Hey Draco."

All three startled at the arrival of Pansy, who was standing behind Draco and giving him a rather simpering smile that instantly put Lauren's teeth on edge.

Draco twisted around and glanced up at her.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck for today's match." Her voice had gone to a low seductive purr and Lauren could only watch in horror, the scene slowing down to slow motion, as Pansy bent down, puckering up her lips as she prepared to kiss Draco on the cheek.

Suddenly there was a sharp cracking sound and Pansy wheeled back with a startled yelp, her hands flying to her mouth.

Lauren glanced around, trying to find the source of the bang, and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Tracey discretely hide her wand in the folds of her school robes.

Pansy slowly lowered her hands and Lauren gasped out loud at the sight. Her lips were now swollen and resembled 'sausages', the effect making her look remarkably like a fish.

"Oh dear," Tracey stated. "You had best go to the Hospital Wing and have that checked out, Pansy."

Pansy's hands flew up to her face once more, feeling the damage that had been inflicted. Her eyes widened and she turned tail, fleeing the Great Hall.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side, Tracey," Lauren stated after getting over her shock. "That was quite impressive.

"No idea what you're talking about," Tracey claimed, turning her attention to her breakfast.

Well I'll be damned. Tracey and Draco really are a match made in heaven.

She happened to glanced over at Draco to see the boy staring at the other girl with undisguised wonder writ all over his face.

Yup, he's smitten. Nothing like being rescued from a near death experience to make one fall head over heels in love with their saviour/crush.

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