Chapter 7

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Lauren awoke to someone insistently shaking her awake.

"Lauren. It's time to get up," a matter-of-fact voice commanded.

Lauren responded by groaning annoyedly and shoving her pillow over her head. Next thing she knew her snuggly thick and warm blanket was being yanked off her quite viciously, exposing Lauren to the chill that seemed to permanently permeate the dungeons.

Lauren sat straight up in indignation and glared daggers at the offender, who happened to be none other than Tracey. Tracey, for her part, seemed quite unperturbed by the murderous look Lauren was shooting in her direction.

"Time to get up. Our first lesson is Potions and you don't want to be late for that. Professor Snape, from what I've heard, is very strict."

There were other more apt words that could best describe Snape, and Lauren thought that Tracey hadn't quite captured the true essence of his personality. Personally, she would have chosen 'complete and utter arse', but that was her opinion.

Knowing that Tracey was right (and probably wouldn't let up until Lauren got out of bed), Lauren sighed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before stretching widely, which was accompanied by a massive yawn. Then she glanced around the room and noticed the other girls were also getting ready, in various stages of dress. Tracey was already in her uniform, which was neatly pressed, and her hair was perfectly brushed to a shiny sheen. By all outer appearances, Tracey was well put together.

Knowing there was no getting out of it, Lauren stood and grimaced when she caught sight of her reflection in the long mirror. Her long wavy hair was a complete mess, making it look as though she attempted to stick a knife in a plug socket. Not a pretty sight.

Tracey busied herself by packing her backpack while Lauren dressed and brushed her teeth and hair, the last being the most difficult task to manage. The other girls kept glancing her way as she growled and muttered darkly as the brush kept snagging on knots. Lauren was not a morning person by nature, and it was best not to approach her before she had her first cup of tea; something the other girls seemed to sense for none dared speak to her.

Finally managing to make her hair look respectable enough to go out in public, Lauren hastened to ready her backpack for today's lessons, shoving the textbooks in forcibly.

"Ooh. We have double Potions with the Gryffindors this morning," Pansy piped up as she studied her timetable, her pug-like face alight with devilish glee as she glanced up at the other girls. "I can't wait to see how Professor Snape deals with them. Especially Potter."

Lauren snorted, causing Pansy, Daphne and Millicent's head to swivel in her direction. Tracey was also watching her from her post at the foot of her bed, her features set in a solemn mask as she observed the scene playing out before her.

"Is something funny, Ward?" Pansy sneered. Lauren did not miss the antagonistic tone in the other girl's voice, nor the use of her last name.

Lauren zipped up her backpack and stood, rounding on Pansy. She was still seething from having been woken up way too early and was in right foul mood. Pansy's snootiness towards her was rubbing Lauren's own abrasive personality the wrong way, and she found she wanted nothing more than to get into a fight with the other girl and release some pent-up anger.

Pansy, seeing the look on Lauren's face, unconsciously took a step back, and Lauren felt a smirk curling on her lips at her reaction.

Then her inner voice, which sounded remarkably like Severus Snape, came to the forefront, pushing back her temper.

You need to keep a low profile, Lauren. Starting a fight is not going to help your cause, especially with your fellow Slytherins. You need to play this with cunning. Play this like a Slytherin.

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