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Swap our places

Swap our places

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Iris' Pov ☁︎

As I leaned down I whispered something that Serena and I had said to each other many times. "Always and forever," I said to the coffin placing my hand upon it. Dani then said something as well before we made our way over to Robin. As soon as we got to her Robin pulled Dani into a hug rubbing the back of her head. I just stood there imagining that Serena and I would be able to that one day.

Just to be in her presence again, that's all I want. And the reason she isn't here is my fault. God if I would've just stayed, this whole situation wouldn't be happening. We would be off spending spring break together doing stupid shit, but no. I am here in a church filled with her family and people from school mourning her beautiful soul.

The afternoon continued on with stories of her and everyone having a meal together. Many tears were shed by everyone. Robin, Dani, and I stayed with each other the whole time never leaving one another. At the end Mr. and Mrs. Adams came up to Dani asking her to come by after to take anything she wanted. The Adams planned on moving later this week. No one knew where they were going, but somewhere far away.

Dani asked me to join her as Robin had to start her shift at the time she planned to head over. My heart hasn't felt this heavy in years. Everyday I wish it was me instead of Serena. Just why wasn't it me? She didn't deserve what happened.


The time came to when we had to head over. Dani picked me up from my house and we heading the home. As we entered the whole house was packed in boxes with labels across the tops of them.

"Danielle!" Mrs. Adams said coming around the corner. She embraced her in a deep hug while patting her back. "I know this is a lot to ask from you, but it's what felt right," the women said trying to give her a smile.

Dani gave her a soft smile back before she was told to head upstairs. I followed after her and soon enough we arrived in Serena's room. Nothing of it had been touched. The light curtains were still there with the tassels keeping them open. Her bed being half made with the front corner on the left side being thrown across to the other side. Her makeup spread across her desk, a pair of pants on the floor, her stuffed teddy bear on the right side of her bed, and a light blue towel laid across the back of her chair with her blow dryer sat to the side.

Dani looked around her room and it was almost as if I could see the memories flooding back into her mind. She looked over every little thing, all the photos of the two of them in frames beside Serena's bed. The ones put against her mirror, anyone could tell they were each others soulmates. They were everything for one another.

"Guess I better start going through these," Dani broke the silence that was lingering in the room. We both sat down in front of the box labeled as Danielle. She started opening it and inside was a box labeled Dani and Me, the box was light blue with small pink flowers decorating it. "Our memory box," she said with a smile across her face. She carefully took it out looking through the box of movie tickets, polaroids, friendship bracelets, tickets to fairs, and some other small trinkets. After looking at them she placed them back into the box, setting the box aside. But at the bottom was a box she had never seen before, and I could only tell because of the confused look on her face.

"What is it?" I questioned as she looked at the box.

"I'm not sure," she replied taking it out. She carefully opened the small box, and it had a small piece of paper on top, which she read out, "Dani we finally made it! Graduation, can't wait for our dorm at NYU! Love you always, Serena," she read aloud through a stuffed nose as the tears came down her face.

I embraced her trying to give any comfort possible. I was holding back my tears to hopefully help her in some way. Which I know isn't doing much, but I don't want to make her even more sad.

"Did you know we both had gotten accepted to NYU a month before she died?" she asked me with a muffled voice, which I just shook my head to. "Yep, our dream school. Wanted to go there together since 7th. Her a fashion design major, and me a acting major," she revealed as her head was buried into my chest. I knew Dani was always the lead in every play and Serena helped with costumes, but I didn't know how much it meant to them.

"We planned on moving to New York together and hopefully getting a cute apartment of our own living out our dreams, but I guess I'll be doing it alone now," Dani quietly said through a sniffle.

"No, no, no. Not alone. I'm going to New York, I'll be there for you. I know it won't be the same, but I'm gonna be there for you and Robin will too," I tried comforting her, but all I got in return was a head nod.

After a couple of minutes she placed the two boxes back in and grabbed a couple of pictures of the two on them putting it in as well. She also grabbed some of the clothes she had lent Serena over the years. I could see the light in Dani fade away as she placed the items in the box. "Ok I'm ready," Dani nodded as she turned off the lights in the room before heading out the door.

"Sweetie you sure you got everything you wanted?" Mrs. Adams asked Dani as we walked down the stairs.

"Yep!" she replied putting on a fake smile, which made me wonder how many of her smiles weren't actually true. "Thank you for allowing me to do this, it truly means a lot," she told the older woman still keeping the smile on her face. If you hadn't seen her a few minutes ago you would think it's true.

"Of course Danielle. You were her one true best friend. You've been so strong throughout this whole thing and you've kept your smile, I know Serena would be glad," the woman said putting on a smile for the very first time I've seen. The two embraced before we were out the door to Dani's car.


ok yes ik this has taken literal years to post but i've been so busy and stressed out so sorry about that

but i have the full week of thanksgiving off so im gonna try to write a lot more for all my books!!!

bye!! have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you are!

love ya 🤍🤍

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