Chapter 12

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Although he gave Mo Xiaobao three coins to let his father go to retire, Pei Shaorong was still worried. After separating from Mo Xiaobao, he did not go back to the village directly, but ran to the next village after asking the way. He was going to go. Find Pan Blacksmith.

Apart from his father's affair, the root cause of Mo Xiaobao's marriage in the final analysis is Blacksmith Pan. If you want to keep Mo Xiaobao from marrying, the best way is to let Blacksmith Pan not marry himself!

When he made this decision, Pei Shaorong felt like he was crazy. How could he be so busy helping someone he just met? This is too unlike the style of people who have returned from the end of the world.

To be honest, it really has nothing to do with who Mo Xiaobao wants to marry. Why does he have to pay money and work hard to help him get rid of the marriage?

But when he thought that Mo Xiaobao was going to marry an old man who could be his father, and he was still a lousy drunkard, Pei Shaorong felt a little flustered in the sadness on his little face.

Confused in his heart, Pei Shaorong's head became dizzy, and when he walked to the next village to react, there was no way out.

It's all here, you can't just go back like this, right? Co-author Mo Xiaobao, this young man has quite an appetite for himself, just treat him as a live Lei Feng!

Pei Shaorong changed his mind and found a place where no one was around and started to squat.

He heard it when he was inquiring in Linjiang Village before. The blacksmith Pan from the next village is very recognizable. He is the only lame man in the whole village, and his face is pockmarked. He can see it at a glance!

While squatting to find someone, Pei Shaorong planned in his mind how to make Pan Blacksmith obediently retire from his relatives.

I didn't expect that in the future, I would be glad that Mo Xiaobao's marriage was ruined by the rise of this moment, otherwise his daughter-in-law would be someone else's!

He stared at everyone passing by at the entrance of the village, and finally when it was dark, Pei Shaorong saw a short figure limping over in the distance...

Blacksmith Pan was holding a wine bottle . I limped home. Today, the old winery made new wine, and it tasted better.

Although the price is a bit more expensive, it has more stamina than the average drink. In the past, he was drunk from two jars, but now he starts to faint after drinking a bottle. Tsk tsk, I will buy another bottle tomorrow.

"Hey, Pan Jiugui, are you drinking again? It's really a dog who can't stop eating shit. The Mo family from the next village is about to get married. Please restrain yourself and be careful that they won't marry you!" The

passing villagers saw Pan The blacksmith came back drunk and shook his head and sighed. The problem of Pan Jiugui's love of drinking may never be changed in this lifetime.

"Go, I have given him the betrothal gift and dare not marry!"

Blacksmith Pan scolded with a blushing face, "Changing tomorrow, when he gets married, I have to tidy up. I heard that this little brother is not an honest man. Come here, I'm going to make a rule for him..."

Blacksmith Pan continued to walk home, if it wasn't for the stinky woman in front of him who had hanged himself and wanted to die, he wouldn't have been able to find it by now. Xu Xian went to hire a little brother from a neighboring village.

He also heard about the younger brother of the Mo family. He had been dismissed from his family and lost his innocence in front of outsiders. If he wanted to marry his younger brother, he should burn high incense and thank his ancestors.

Although he is not innocent, but I heard that he can work and most of his family's land is planted by him, so it is not a loss to marry him.

In the past two years, I have become a little tired of ironing. It would be good to marry this little brother back to open up wasteland and cultivate some fields. It would be even better if I could give him another son. Chicken that lays eggs.

Hehe, although that little brother has been looked at, he has never been married before, and his appearance is not so ugly.

Blacksmith Pan thought happily about marrying a new wife who was able and warm in a few days. He drank the wine in the bottle and walked swayingly. He didn't even notice that there was another person behind him... It was getting

dark at the moment . Now, when Pan Blacksmith walked slowly home, it was already dark.

When he got home, Blacksmith Pan didn't even cook dinner. He drank the rest of the wine in the bottle. He didn't take a shower or take off his clothes, and he started snoring on the bed.

When Pei Shaorong came in, Blacksmith Pan was already asleep, and the smell of wine and stench in the room made him cover his nose and hold his breath.

Looking around the blacksmith Pan's house, Pei Shaorong scolded inwardly, is this a fucking place or a garbage dump!

Not to mention the wine jars that can be seen everywhere in the house, the clothes and pants are scattered everywhere, the dust on the tables and cabinets is about to clump together, and the cobwebs on the roof are almost filling the roof. Just now he saw that there seemed to be a The food bowl was full of hair...

He covered his nose and walked to the bed, and Pei Shaorong was almost stunned by the smell of wine and the sour smell of not taking a bath all year round.

He quickly took out a towel from the space to cover his nose and mouth, and Pei Shaorong raised his hand and punched Pan Blacksmith, knocking him unconscious.

In disgust, he kicked Pan Blacksmith's feet, dragged him to the yard, found a rope, tied it up, and hung it from a crooked-neck fruit tree in the yard.

Just as Blacksmith Pan covered his mouth tightly with his own belt, Pei Shaorong poured a bucket of water from the well next to him and poured it on Blacksmith Pan.

The weather is not cold now, but it is not hot either. Blacksmith Pan woke up immediately after being splashed with cold water at night.


When he woke up suddenly, Pan Blacksmith found that he was tied and hung from a tree with a crooked neck in his house. Because it was too dark, he could only see a tall man standing in front of him, but he couldn't see what he looked like.

With his trouser belt in his mouth, the blacksmith Pan said nothing. The trouser belt that hasn't been washed in the past ten or eight years is usually tied to his body, but he doesn't feel that it is tucked into his mouth. He fainted himself!

At the moment of the smell, Blacksmith Pan suddenly forgot about the fact that he was still hanging from the tree, and he still thought that when he married Mo Xiaobao tomorrow, he would have to wash all the clothes in the house.

When Pei Shaorong's fist landed on his body again, Pan Blacksmith came to his senses, his firm fist fell on his body, and his trouser belt was tucked in his mouth.

Who, who beat him, which bastard dared to beat him Blacksmith Pan, oh, whoever came to beat him in the middle of the night, ouch, Blacksmith Pan screamed in his heart.

For people like Pei Shaorong who came back from the end of the world, violence is what he likes to solve things. He didn't fight for a long time, and he was very refreshing.

But he didn't intend to kill the blacksmith Pan. Pei Shaorong pointed at the soft flesh that could not kill anyone, and punched the blacksmith Pan firmly.

When the fight was over, Blacksmith Pan basically didn't have the strength to call for help, so Pei Shaorong took out a long watermelon knife from the space and put it on Pan Blacksmith's neck, which made him urinate in fright.

"Fuck!" Pei Shaorong scolded, and immediately took a step back. He just took Pan Blacksmith's waistband, and he was urinating right at him.

Avoiding the front of Blacksmith Pan, Pei Shaorong walked to his side, again sticking the knife to Blacksmith Pan's neck and said viciously.

"Pan Blacksmith, right? Listen, I will go to Mo's family to retire tomorrow. If you dare to marry Mo Xiaobao, I will stab you to death!"

"..." Pan Blacksmith's mouth was stuffed and he couldn't speak. Hearing this, he turned his head to see Pei Shaorong's face, but directly received a fist. "What are you looking at, do you want revenge?" Pei

Shaorong kicked the blacksmith Pan. "If you dare to play tricks, I will kill you tomorrow night and set your house on fire!"

Without a word, Shao Rong started punching him again.

To deal with a bastard like Pan Blacksmith, just relying on verbal threats is not effective. The most practical way is to fight, fight until he is convinced!

Blacksmith Pan was already short in stature. Although he was strong all year round, he couldn't compare to Pei Shaorong's tallness and strength. .

He clapped his hands, feeling that the fight was almost over, and then Pei Shaorong ripped off the waistband of Pan's trousers, "I'll go back to my relatives tomorrow, can you hear me?..."

"Listen, I heard, the hero spares his life, spares his life..."

Inexplicable After being beaten twice in a row, Blacksmith Pan didn't dare to say no, he nodded quickly, staring at the tall black figure in front of him, his body shaking violently.

He usually has a bad temper and a second-rate person, but he is a scumbag. He only dares to bully the neighbors around the house with the strength of the iron, and the fierce master does not dare to provoke him.

It was the first time that Pei Shaorong had beaten someone without saying a word, and now his whole body was in severe pain.

Nodding and agreeing, but staring at Pei Shaorong's silhouette, his eyes were full of resentment, obviously with the intention of fooling the past and taking revenge.

He didn't know what Pei Shaorong thought. He had seen it a lot in the last days, so he stuffed the waistband of his trousers into Blacksmith Pan's mouth again, and let him continue to hang from the tree.

After that, he ran to the house next door to catch a rooster, put down the money, and then returned to the yard of Pan's blacksmith's house.

In his frightened eyes, he killed the rooster with a knife and found a rope to hang it on top of his head. The chicken blood dripped down Blacksmith Pan's head, causing his legs to tremble.

"You'd better go to Mo's house to retire and don't do any tricks, or it's not the cock but you who hangs here and bleeds tomorrow!"

"You'd better keep a secret to me about tonight's affairs, otherwise The title of the 108th hero of Lao Tzu Liangshan is not for nothing!" He

threatened Pan Blacksmith again, and Pei Shaorong clapped his hands in satisfaction and turned away, continuing to let Pan Blacksmith hang from the tree.

The next morning, Blacksmith Pan, who had been hanged overnight, was found by the neighbor who had lost the big cock. He was shocked and hurriedly rescued Blacksmith Pan without caring about his own chicken.

When he was finally rescued, Pan Blacksmith's first reaction to being rescued was not to thank him, but to go to Mo's house to retire from his relatives after rolling and crawling with Gengtie.

Retire! Propose marriage!

Blacksmith Pan has only this thought in his mind now.

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