Chapter 8: Pressure Ploys

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Sitting in council meetings were usually boring. My part of the meeting was always first, where I reiterated the public's worries and news reports that were given to the reporters to publish. Minor things. The bigger things came after. And I would sit in my uncomfortable wooden chair, pinching myself and sipping the complimentary tea in attempts to stay awake. By the end, I was usually irritated, sleepy, and needing to pee.

Today was no different. I was tired, idly swishing the remaining drops of tea in my small cup. My recurring "family disappears into ash by strange cloaked man" nightmare persisted. Sometimes I would get close enough to grab the man, but never fast enough to throw his hood back, see the face I was working with. It irritated me. Not to mention, Yume's voice popped up more frequently. I had to try to keep a straight face every single time the voice came through my ears.

Aside from Yume's voice, dad and Tarrlok's voices were getting louder and more insistent. This was common though, they were always arguing.

"There is a madman running around our beloved city, threatening to tear it apart." Tarrlok said, "We need to create a task force whose sole mission is to find Amon and bring him to justice."

Dad shook his head, "Absolutely not." He firmly said, "A move that aggressive would only further divide benders and non benders."

The Fire Nation Council woman spoke up, "Tarrlok, I'm inclined to agree with your proposal, but who would even head up such a task force?"

Tarrlok stood up from his chair and bowed to her. It took all my strength to not roll my eyes. "It would be my honor and privilege to accept such a duty."

"This is just another one of your ploys to gain more power, isn't it?" Dad asked, getting more agitated. But Tarrlok kept his cool. He always smiled in a way that said "I've won" and it infuriated both dad and I.

"All I'm trying to do is help. Think back, forty-two years ago. Republic City was threatened by another dangerous man, Yakone. Your father wasn't afraid to deal with him head on."

Dad flushed, "This is a completely different situation! And how dare you compare yourself to Avatar Aang!"

Tarrlok sighed, "Amon is not going to stop with bending trails." He turned to the rest of the council members, preparing for his ever so motivating speech. "Eventually, he will come for all us benders. Our friends, our families. Vote for this task force and I will stop Amon before it's too late. All in favor?" The rest of the council raised their hands, along with Tarrlok. I looked at dad from my chair, just to the side of the half-ringed table. Dad stood opposite from Tarrlok, arms unmoving. Tarrlok smiled at dad, tapping the gavel on a wooden coaster.

"Outvoted, my friend." He said brightly, "I'll start the process as soon as possible."

"Very well." Dad said slowly, "Best of luck to you, Councilman Tarrlok."

Dad rose from his seat and beckoned for me to follow him out. I glanced at Tarrlok before leaving. The smile that he had on before was still plastered on his face. I turned back, catching up to Dad's brisk pace.


That night, mom set out all the food on the table as we settle down to eat.

"How was work today?" Korra asked me, as I passed her a bowl of rice.

"Eh," I said, glancing at dad as he strolled into the room, "Not the best..." If dad had heard us, he ignored us as he sat down next to mom, thanking her for his bowl.

Dad led us in a small speech before eating, "We are grateful for this delicious food, for happiness, for compassion and..." Dad's voice drifted off as the sliding door to the dining area slid open. We all turned to see who was there. Annoyance prickled my head as Councilman Tarrlok strode through the door.

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