Chapter 21

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My friend sent that in the groups chat. Anyways It's the final chapter! I will hopefully see you in my next book!

Tw:fighting, injury's, swearing, attempted manipulation, and intrusive thoughts

Third person POV

Tommy, Dream, George, Sapnap, Eret, Foolish, and Puffy had planned this fight for many hours. They had balanced multiple different possibilities they had spent so many hours planning and coming up with ways to win. They had to pray to XD that this would work and hope that he was on their side. They reviewed the plan once more before they started to act on it. Everyone went in pairs and they left Shroud in a little bunker with a bed and food. They all went in groups/pairs. Dream and Tommy went together, Sapnap and George went together, and Eret, Puffy, and Foolish went together. They all went to where they had planned the attack. The attack was planned to happen in the guest house. They went into the house and they quickly found where the trio was staying. They silently surrounded the room and listened to them. "We are certain that they are here, correct?" Tubbo asked. "Yeah I'm 99.9% sure that hey are here." Quackity responds. "What's the plan for when we find them?" Ranboo asks. "We are going to torture Dream and keep him in prison. Then we are going to kill Tommy and arrest George and Sapnap." Tubbo says, Quackity nodding in agreement. "Didn't Puffy and Foolish help him escape us as well though?" Ranboo asks. "Yeah but Foolish is a Demi-god and he could easily beat us plus Puffy is to busy to help Dream out of prison. We will keep Foolish busy so he can't rescue Dream." Quackity says. "Ok so when we find them we are going to arrest Sapnap and George, torture Dream, and kill Tommy? Why don't we just kill both Dream and Tommy?" Ranboo asks. "Dream is immortal because he is the server admin. In jail he can't teleport out or anything but he can't fully die. He has infinite lives." Tubbo explains. Everyone spying on them was incredibly pissed on what they were planning. Sapnap's hair started to burn and Tommy's grip on his axe tightened so much that he was crushing a little bit of the wood on the axes handle.

They had gotten all the information that they needed to be able to starts the fight. They went back to the house that they were staying at and got Shroud. Shroud hugged Tommy and Dream and cried into Tommy's chest because he was scared for them. They were going to fight the next morning. They had left a note that told the other group to meet them just outside of the town as they didn't want to destroy the town. They all slept on the ground except for Shroud because he's a child. They had also tried to get Dream to sleep on a bed but Dream said that someone else probably needed it more that him. Dream was still very much injured but he had gotten a lot better. They were going over the plan for the eighth or ninth time when their alarm went off. All of them looked from one to another and then they set off. Shroud had been put back in his bunker and they started their walk to the outer edges of the village. They got there before the other group but they still kept up their guard. Eventually a group of people appeared over the hill. Tubbo, Quackity, and Ranboo had apparently decided to call in some reinforcements because they arrived with Wilbur, Phil, Sam, Niki, Fundy, and Jack. Luckily for the smaller group they had planned for this. Tubbo was the first to reach them. "There you guys are!" He exclaimed "Tommy we were so worried for you. I can't believe that Dream kidnapped you. Did he hurt you? Are you alright?" Tubbo immediately hugged Tommy. Tommy glares at Tubbo and shoved him away. "Why would you do that Tommy? I thought we were friends." Tubbo says. He looked almost sad and everyone thought that he was. All except for Tommy because Tommy knew what Tubbo's sad face actually looked like. "Tubbo we stopped being friends when you blew me up in exile, when you tried to kill me with your nukes, when you shoved me into Dreams prison and left me to die, when you planned on fucking taking me back to the SMP to fucking execute me. You've done so many awful things to me and my family. We are not friends and you never wanted to be my friend." Tommy says, hints of rage, anger, and betrayal showing through his words despite the fact that his face didn't display any emotions. Tubbo has an incredibly guilty look on his face "I did that because you had done stuff to deserve it. I never actually killed you anyways." Tubbo says. "You planned on it. We heard your plan for if you take us back to the SMP. We heard you say that you were going to kill me. It's because of you, Tubbo, that I'm partially deaf and partially blind." Tommy responds betrayal seeping into his words. "Fine maybe we did plan to kill you. We never cared about you. We were just doing this because we wanted you to die. Anything that was awful that Dream said he did was actually something one of us did. We made him take the blame so that you would trust us more so we could kill you faster." Tommy stared at them with a gaze that was so full of rage that everyone shivered under his gaze. "Look, I already knew that you wanted to kill me but the fact that you forced Dream to take the blame for all of your faults is the final fucking strike. I'm going to Fucking murder you all." Tommy spat out.

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