~They find you in the grabbers basement~29

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~Finney Blake~

Would be in pure shock and his eyes would start to tear up

Would run to you basically tackling you and shower you with kisses

Would fr non-stop ask you if your alright while sobbing

He definitely keep you in a tight hug until the paramedics finally pry him off of you

~Robin Arellano~

He would run at you in full speed making you topple over while keeping you in such a tight hug you wouldn't even be able to breath

Once he finally lets go he plants so many kisses on you face like too many

Would start balling his eyes out into the crook of your neck while you two were hugging

Would start looking all over your body looking at the cuts and bruises you have

~Vance Hopper~

He would just stand there looking at you face in pure shock, sadness, happiness, and anger

Would pull you into a very tight hug and start to plant kisses all over your face and neck

Wouldn't start sobbing but would let a few tears roll down his cheek

He would definitely pick you up and spin you around while holding you very tightly so you can't escape his grasp on you (He wouldn't do it really hard that it left like bruises or smth)

~Bruce Yamada~

Would run to you and pick you up 0.01 after he finds you

Would start crying into your chest about how much hes sorry for not being there to protect you

He would beg the paramedics to let him stay with you before you guys got out of the basement

He would start to tear up while looking at all the cuts or bruises that you have (IM SORRY BUT HES JUST SO SWEET)


Boy wouldn't even hesitate to start crying once he saw you 

He would hug you so tight and not let go until he lets Harper finally see you

Would start talking about how much he missed you and how miserable he was without you


He would help clean up all of your cuts that you have

{Word Count: 337}

(TYSM @JuniOn_pluto FOR THE IDEA}

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