Episode 4

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No One's Pov

"Doctor she is awake!" 

Jin yells down the hall. After a minute the Doctor comes in. He gives her a quick check up and marks some things on a paper. 

"Okay she needs at least one shot in the arm" he says to RM. 

"Okay" he replies calmly. 

There is two things Kim Min is scared of, first is her brothers when they are mad and second is shots or needles in general. They all turn and look at Min they can tell she is scared. Trying to calm her down Jin says "It's just a small shot. Nothing to worry about." Min starts to cry "NOOO!! I don't want it!!!!" A couple minutes pass and they calm Min down. 

"I have to go to the bathroom." She looks at them hoping they don't catch on. The Doctor brings in a wheelchair from outside the door 

"Here's your wheelchair you will use it for a week until you get your crutches."

Mins Pov

I got in the wheelchair with RM and Jin oppa help. After I got in the wheelchair Jin oppa pushed me to the bathroom. 

"I will wait out here." 

"Okay oppa" I say as nice as possible. In my head I was freaking out 'I need to get out of here'

I slowly open the door and see the Jin is at the vending machine yelling at because it's not working. I make my way to the elevator because I can't use the stairs although... NO Min stay on task. I push the down button. The doors opens revealing all of my brothers except for Beomgyu and Yoongi. There faces light up when they see me. 

"Hi Min what are you doing?" 

I quickly come up with a lie "This bathroom is out of order so I'm going to the one downstairs." 

Soobin looks at me with a questioning look "Why is no one with you Min?" 

I quickly say the first thing that came to mind "Because I'm a big kid now." 

In a nervous tone that I hope my brothers don't hear. With a smile and a pat on the head Felix says "Okay see you when you come back up!" 

I quickly get in the elevator and go down. I see the door and head for it. I was so close when someone catches me by the handle of the wheelchair. "Were you going princess?"

Yoongi and Beomgyu Pov

We were down at the entrance because Beomgyu lost something. 

"Why didn't you leave in your bag?" Yoongi asked annoyed by the situation. 

"I don't know I thought it was here." 

Beomgyu replies panicking. They hear the elevator ding thinking it's one of their brothers.But when they look up they see Min heading for the door. A second later Yoongi's phone rings.


"Is Min down there?" 

RM asks as soon as Yoongi picks up. 

"Yes why?" 

Han chirps in from what sounds like the back of the room "She is avoiding a shot please bring her back." 

"Okay" both Yoongi and Beomgyu say at the same time. They end the call as Beomgyu says "I will go get her." 

Beomgyu says as he walks up to her "Where you going princess?" she looks up at Beomgyu 

"Outside. I-I needed some fresh air." she says as she  puts on a slight smile. Already tired Yoongi comes over "Let's go there ready for her." he tells them in a slight annoyed tone. They entered the elevator with Min crying and complaining the whole ride up.

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