(y/n) and goki arrive?!

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Last time we left of Recoome had just came out of the smoke relatively unharmed. He now stares at Vegita ready to attack..

Recoome Now it's time for one of my favorite moves!! Recoome kick!!

Vegita What-?

Recoome then dashes and knees Vegita right in the chin sending her flying back.

Vegita Ah you fucking shit that hurt!

Gohan and krillin are surprised at the speed of Recoome and how he sent Vegita flying with just a kick. Vegita then gets back up and charges towards Recoome. They collide and start trading blows with incredible speed. Vegita punches are laced with incredible swiftness but unfortunately Recoome is able to block almost each and every blow.

Recoome I'm impressed Vegita, you are able to punch very quick! But quickness won't save you. I'd like to see you block this! Recoome boom!!

Recoome raised his arm and pummels Vegita into the ground. He then starts throwing his fist down at Vegita causing her to roll around and dodge his attacks. He then throws her in the air. She regains her balance in air and Recoome follows her as she flys higher into the air. Vegita then turns around and fires a beam blast at Recoome. Unfortunately Recoome dodge the blast and appeared behind Vegita. He then punches her hard enough for spit to come out of her mouth. She then is sent flying towards the water causing a huge amount of water to fly up.

Recoome aw she now all washed up!

Gohan I-Is she really defeated!?

Krillin Oh man we're screwed...

Burter Good job Recoome!

Jeice Atta boy!

Recoome Aw it was nothing guys!

Recoome said while waving his hand at them.

Krillin I-I don't think she's coming back up G-Gohan..

Recoome is smiling proudly while the water blow becomes calm after Vegitas plummet in them.

Recoome Ah come on she can't be out for the count yet! I haven't used my best moves!

All of sudden Vegita bursts out of the water with rage. She zooms forwards and shoves her fist almost through his stomach. She then throws him up with the force of the punch and rapidly punches over and over causing recoome to have his eyes go white and his jaw start freely hanging. But then recoome regains back his consciousness and starts sporting a wicked smile. Burter and jeice start smiling as well. Recoome grabs her by the foot and throws her to the ground while saying.

Recoome I'm glad your back up and running again!

Vegita hits the ground face first and lays while recoome comes down and picks her up by the leg.

Recoome Hahah! You look just like a vegetable ready to be picked!

Recoome laughed and laughed until Vegita used her last bit of strength to shoot a beam right into recoomes face. Recoome falls over leaving Vegita to fall as well. She falls on the ground but due to her exhaustion she is unable to move. Krillin and Gohan watch as Vegita tries over and over to get up but fails. Recoome gets up in a great manner seeming as enthusiastic as ever.

Recoome That was a cheep move even for a saiyan! You're ruthless I guess that's why Frieza had you as his favorites. But it is a shame you just had to betray everyone.

Jeice and burter are watching enjoying the humiliation that Vegita is receiving.

Recoome I dare you to use anymore sneaky tricks before I kill you.

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