Chapter Two

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When I woke up the next day Aria was gone. My mum told me she had breakfast and sent her home. Apparently she had stared crying when mum told her she had to go home. I swear she acts like a 6 year old sometimes.
"Evilynn, could you walk the dog please?" my mom asks. "Sure, I'll go for a long walk!" I answer. Its a Saturday so I dont have school. I am taking this oppertuntiy, I will go and chek around Aria's house. Lets see if there are actually wierd things happening there. " Malorie come here, we will go out for a long walk." Malorie comes up to barking and jumping around, she's is always exited to go out for walks. I leash her, put a jacket on myself and leave. "Mum im out walking Malorie'' I say before I close the door. The first part of the walk is quite boring. As I walk to Aria's house I chek to see if anyboy is home. There is no car and all off the lights are turned off. Perfect! I think by myself. I was walking around the house, theres nothing there, ofcourse. She probaly read too many horror stories, I think by myslef. I turn around walk back to the street and leave.
When I arrive back at home mum's gone. She left a note saying shes getting groceries.

10 am
*Aria Calling*

Ugh not her again. I roll my eyes as I pick up the phone.

Aria: Evilynn, oh my gosh I'm so glad u picked up.
Evilynn: What is it?
Aria: Well, my parents are eating out and I feel like I am being watched.
Evilynn: So? What do I have to do about that?
Aria: I don't know just come over.
Evilynn: No I just woke up, and I am going to the cinema in 15 minutes. I dont have time for this.
Aria: Oh- okay..
Evilynn: Well, I gotta leave now, I'll see you in school on Monday. Bye
Aria: Bye

Actually, I don't need to go to the cinema. I just don't wanna hang out with Aria. Not today. Well lets  go take a shower I guess.

When Im done showering and eating breakfast- I had to walk Malorie first- I go outside to chek if there is any mail. As I open the mailbox and take out the mail I quikly scanto see If there is anything adressed to me. There is!! But I don't reconigse the handwriting. I go outside and open the letter.


So you think ghosts and monsters are fake right?
Ur very much wrong. I can assure you that, because I'm one off them.
I have been living in the forest and walking around you friend Aria's house.
She is not joking. There is actually someone walking around her house.
Are you wanting to save her? Be honest.
Im gonna take her, and you will have to do some things to get her back.
Wait let me correct myself, you dont need to do the tasks, you just will not get Aria back then.


What is this weird letter? Is it a joke? Did Aria send this to get my attention? I do not care to be honest. Im quite tired. I'll ask her tommorow.

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