Chapter 6

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Luffy somehow managed to drag the orange-haired navigator completely outside, trying to get her as far away from Blaze as possible. The sun had fully set and it was dark out, the only source of light was coming from the lit windows of the bar behind them.

"Luffy, what in the world has gotten into you?"

He slowed his pace and eventually came to a stop, his hand still maintaining the firm grip he held around her slender fingers. Only when he turned to face her was when she saw the look of uncertainty in his eyes.


Luffy had always been a terrible liar. He seemed to avoid her gaze all together and there was a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, his eyes nervously darted back and forth. He had just dragged her around like a rag-doll and she was bewildered at the lack of explanation.

After a moment he let go of her hand and brought his index finger up to gently brush away stray strands of orange hair from her face when their eyes clashed, leaving her smoldering inside.

Don't look at me like that...

She had never seen this look on Luffy before, it reminded her of a child getting caught stealing a piece of candy. Nami thanked the heavens that it was dark out because in that moment, she was certain her face was probably as red as Buggy's nose. All she could do was observe him intently and was at a loss for words.

I'll misinterpret that look...

"You told me you hate when guys hit on you so I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

No, she was not okay! Nami was dumbfounded, his unusual behavior made her feel extremely flustered.

"I... I appreciate the gesture, Luffy; but Blaze wasn't hitting on me. We were just talking about weather patterns."

"Yeah... Well... he didn't wanna keep his eyes off of you."

Nami could only widen her eyes in response.

Could he possibly be...

His face twisted into an adorable pout and she tried her best to hold back the fit of laughter that eventually escaped her.

He's jealous.

"Naaaamiiii, that's not funny!" he whined.

Her laughter eventually subsided and she sported a wide smile. The innocence of her rubber-brained captain never failed to amuse her. She was not one to enjoy being treated like someone's property, but with Luffy, she couldn't help but feel wildly intoxicated by it. She knew he meant no harm by his actions but couldn't help but to wonder what drove him to do so.

"Luffy, let's take a walk."

At this, his lips formed into a face-splitting grin.

"Nami... you're not gonna kill me, are you?"

"No, Luffy. I'm not." she rolled her eyes.


They ventured around the island at a leisurely pace, just soaking up each other's company and admiring the structures of the buildings and the sights around them. Several townsfolk had stopped them from time to time in their tracks to express their gratitude for the recent defeat and Nami studied the way Luffy responded kindly to them. He was a human magnet, often attracting people wherever he went and she couldn't help but to beam with pride for her captain. Luffy truly was the most benevolent person she knew. She couldn't think of a more deserving person than the raven-haired boy to hold the title of 'Pirate King'.

They eventually found themselves on the shore of the island and sat side by side on the cool sand. Neither spoke for a while, they merely just enjoyed the sounds of clashing waves before them. But silences never lasted long with her chatterbox of a captain and soon they began rambling about everything and nothing at all.

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