Chapter 3

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Zoro yawned boomingly, feeling the warm rays of sunlight that sept through the glass windows of the crows nest. It was his turn to keep watch of the ship last night and man, was it a pain in the ass. Typically, the nights during watch duty were dull and uneventful. Apart from last night that is. He wiped a stray tear that collected in his duct and recalled a certain Captain and Navigator deep in conversation a few hours prior.

He was sitting crossed leg on the perch of the crows nest, lifting dumbbells in each hand in an attempt to not succumb to the drowsiness that was overtaken him when he heard two faint voices on the grassy deck below.

"Nami, why are you crying?!"

Zoro glanced below, watching the scene unfold. He couldn't hear what Nami and Luffy were talking about, but he smirked when he caught them a little too close for comfort. He watched as Nami abruptly scurried across the deck to the women's quarters, Luffy gripping his chest a moment later. Zoro's smirk only widened; "it's about damn time" he thought to himself as he went back to his weight lifting.

"OI! BREAKFAST IS READY!" called out the swirly-browed cook from the kitchen as Zoro climbed down the rope ladder, landing softly on the grassy deck. He made his way through the kitchen door and sat at the dining table, the rest of the crew piling in behind him. Zoro watched as the orange-haired witch eyed her usual seat next Luffy hesitantly, but sat regardless. She seemed pretty flustered already, and the rubber-brained moron wasn't even in the room yet. Also, said Captain was missing from breakfast this morning and he wasn't the only one who seemed to notice the peculiar sight.

"Does anyone know where Luffy is?" Asked chopper as he hopped into his seat.

"Perhaps Luffy-San needs a wake up call?" suggested Brook.

Usopp hurriedly scarfed down the contents of his plate before the raven-haired man had the chance to appear and start his daily ritual of stealing food from everyone.

"I dunno but leave him be; I can finally eat in peace!"

Zoro decided to have a little fun and tease Nami considering she made it a point to double his debt a few days ago after refusing to pay his portion back with the hefty added interest.

"Maybe he had a late night, what do you think, Nami?" said Zoro smiling like a Cheshire cat as he eyed the navigator.

Nami flinched and immediately shot him a look, eyes as wide as saucers.

...He saw us?

"What I think is that you should shut the hell up and eat your food before Luffy eats it for you." she snarled.

There were questioning glances exchanged but as if right on cue, the rambunctious Captain barged in through the kitchen door, his mouth already watering as he dashed to his seat.

"Meshi!!!" he yelled, then proceeded to stretch out a rubbery arm in attempts to steal a piece of bacon off his long-nose friend's plate. Usopp immediately stabbed the childish captain's hand with his fork.

"Ouchhhhh Usopp, what was that foooor?"

"Eat your own food, you bastard!"

Nami giggled at the scene in front of her. It shocked her every time how the same man who rarely even bats an eye while fighting the strongest of enemies would whine at such an insignificant injury.

Now settled in his seat, the Captain peeked over next to him and felt his chest ache again at the sight of her. There it is again... he thought.

"Good morning, Nami." he mused, giving her a warm smile.

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