Chapter 8

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The pair had been caught by Zoro in a compromising situation yet again, however, what really bewildered Nami was the fact that Luffy moved in as if he was still willing to seal the deal despite getting caught. She gawked at him when she noticed her captain resume to move his face towards her, Nami immediately placed her hand on his forehead, forcing his head back with a huff.

"Luffy! Didn't you hear him?! There's a ship approaching!"

Her face was on fire. She was blushing so hard that her cheeks resembled the same shade to that of Luffy's cardigan. Luffy groaned under his breath and stood to scope out the incoming nuisance. He was an inpatient man after all and he had been wanting to kiss the orange-haired navigator since last night, thus, his patience was running very thin.

The captain jumped off the figurehead of the Sunny and landed on the grassy deck below, the rest of the crew eventually gathering behind him. Up on the figurehead, Nami was struggling to regain her composure. She held her head in her hands and let out the shaky breath that she had been holding in ever since the moment her captain asked to kiss her.

Nami pried her head out of her grip and turned to face the swordsman. As a thief, she was quite used to getting caught red-handed, but this felt unsettling. She felt extremely bashful and it wasn't that she was ashamed of her feelings towards Luffy; In fact, she felt like screaming it to the heavens, it was more so the guilt she would feel if she were to throw off the dynamic of the crew or make anyone feel uncomfortable.

"Zoro, I.. I-" she spoke to explain but he cut her off.

"Nami, I don't need to know." he grumbled as he stood against the mane of the Sunny with his arms crossed over his chest.

The swordsman was never particularly interested in the relationships that the crew members had amongst themselves, nor could he bring himself to care. Luffy and the orange-haired witch had a special bond, that much he was certain of; But even though their captain treated everyone with care and attentiveness, he knew it was... different with Nami. After all, she was there since the very beginning.

At first he thought his extra attention towards her well-being was out of obligation to keep her safe because of her delicate nature, however, once he noticed all the unnecessary effort he put into making her laugh or the glances he'd steal her way, he knew the raven-haired man had developed certain feelings. The same was to be said for the navigator, especially as of late. She was a blushing mess with so much as a simple greeting from their juvenile captain.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? Whatever is going on between you and Luffy is none of my business."

"...Do you think the crew would be mad if they knew?" she glanced down to avoid his gaze and she felt her heart stop beating all together, fearing his response.

"As long as you both are happy, we don't care. Plus, we're pirates. We all do whatever the hell we want anyway." he said apathetically.

At this, Nami's eyes widened. She knew that whatever this was that was developing between her and Luffy wouldn't make the crew change their view of her, and she knew they wouldn't hold it against the pair. Taking all of that into consideration still didn't make the idea of the rest of the crew finding out any less mortifying, but she felt hopeful now; a sense of relief washing over her after Zoro's reassurance.

"Thank you, Zoro." she muttered softly, a small grin forming on her face.

He grunted in response and proceeded to make his way back down to the deck, Nami trailing behind him.

As the said ship approached, Usopp brought the pair of binoculars that hung around his neck up to get a better view of whoever may be on board but saw nothing.

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