Chapter 7

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Later that evening after dinner, the Mugiwara crew had all retreated to their perspective rooms. Usopp and Franky both mentioned they had projects they needed to start on in their workrooms. Brook, Chopper, and Robin could be found in the aquarium room, chatting amongst themselves while enjoying a hot cup of tea before bed. It was Nami's turn to keep watch that night, so she sat on the bench of the crow's nest, reading a book that Robin lent her to pass the time. And Zoro? Well, he was probably lost on the ship somewhere. Only Luffy and Sanji had remained in the kitchen. Sanji stood scrubbing away at the dirty dishes from dinner, whilst Luffy sat at the bar.

Luffy was a fumbling wreck. He rested his chin on the counter, over his folded arms and then came the incessant tapping, his fingers simultaneously drumming against the cool, white surface. He then sat up and began shifting back and forth in his seat as he stared into the depths of nothingness which followed by him crossing both his arms over his chest, his complexion visibly turning red as he looked down with a raised brow and eyes scrunched tight from his intense thinking.

Sanji peered up and caught sight of his dimwitted captain then let out an exasperated sigh, feeling an immense case of déjà vu.

"Is there something I can help you with, Luffy?"

"...I think Nami is mad at me."

"What did you do now, you blockhead?" he asked with a scowl.



Luffy proceeded to tell Sanji about the earlier events back on the island. He told him about their conversation regarding their past adventures. How she looked sad at some point during their exchange, so he initiated the tickle fight to cheer her up. He told him about how Nami sat on top of him and got "suuuper"close to his face before they were interrupted. He finally told Sanji about how distant she was on their way back to the Sunny.

The blonde groaned and facepalmed after hearing Luffy's elaboration.

For the love of Oda..

"Well, you got one thing right. You sure did nothing." replied Sanji while pulling out his lighter.

Luffy tilted his head and frowned at Sanji's remark. "So you think she's mad then?"

He took a quick drag from his lit cigarette and blew out a long trail of smoke. "I don't think Nami-San is mad."

"Ahhhh, that's a relief!" Exclaimed the captain as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"I do think she feels embarrassed though. Probably even mortified."

"Eh?" He blinked. "Why would she?"

Sanji deadpanned.

"Because she was going to kiss you, you dumbass."

Luffy merely sat there with large owl-like eyes, taking a moment to process what Sanji had told him. The gears in his head started turning and then it hit him like a ton of bricks. He slammed the palms of his hands on the counter and gawked at the love-cook.

"EHHH? Nami was going to kiss me??"

Sanji glared at the raven-haired boy in front of him.

"..I always knew you were dense, Luffy. But I didn't know you were actually just flat out brainless." he muttered.

"What should I do, Sanji??"

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