New school, new class & new friends?

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(3rd POV)

Y/n woke up on a lovely Monday morning ready for her first day at her new school. She wondered if she would make any new friends. The worst part of it, she thinks some of the students might not like her and say that she is spoild.

But she won't let that stop her, she will do her best and at least make a few friends at her new school.

Y/n then began her morning routine which was; take a shower, wear her school uniform, brush her hair and prepare her school bag. 

Y/n then made her way downstairs for breakfast. The first person she was met with was her aunt Millie, "I can't believe you're starting your first day at your new school. It feels like yesterday that you came here to live with me". Her aunt hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her neice's head, "aunt Millie I need to go get breakfast before school and do you mind if you drop me off?" Y/n asked. Her aunt of course said yes to her favorite neice. As Y/n made her way to the dinning hall to have breakfast. When she arrived in the dinning hall, she imidiatly saw her maid Suzan place her breakfast on the table.

"Thank you Suzan, and goodmorning" Y/n said while a smile on her face. Suzan then replied "your welcome miss Y/n and I hope you have a wonderful day at your new school".


(Y/n POV)

I was in the car with aunt Millie driving me off to school. When we arrived at the front of the school, aunt Millie said goodbye to me and wished me luck. When I got out of the car a few students starred at me, I didn't know why they are staring at me......Until I realised that I came in a black car which had tinted windows and mabye they are not used to see people getting out of this type of car at school.

I didn't care about this right now, I have to get to class before the bell rings. I know what class I'm in but I don't know where it is. It took me some time to find the classroom, and when I found it there were a few students talking about. I saw a teacher head into the classroom, which I think is my class teacher. I didn't pay attention till the bell rang. I then entered the classroom where the class were staring at me. "Ah there you are" the teacher said "everyone this is Y/n, can you please introduce yourself?". I noded and said "hello everyone, my name is Y/n L/n. I'm from America, I love surfing and I hope I get to know some of you". "Thank you Y/n, can you please sit next to Langa" the teacher asked. I looked at him with confusion, till he said "the boy with the blue hair", then I realised which student he was talking about.

(Langa POV)

The new girl her which was Y/n sat next to me, she gave me a little wave and I returned it then we just listened to the teacher who was talking about a math equasion or something. I didn't care much, I was just bored out of my head; I needed to stay like I was listening and doing my work until lunch which might be in a couple of hours.

From time to time in class I just looked at Y/n, her (Y/H/C) was just so nice. And the necklace she was wearing had a strange symbol on it, I migh ask Reiki about it during lunch.

But now for the rest of the class I have to pay attention and mabye get a glimpse of Y/n, and there is one more thing about her that is off. She said she loves surfing and is from America, I don't know if she did surfing competion's in America but I still feel like I've seen her before.

Mabye I can be friends with her and show her around the school, and just hangmout with me and Reiki. I think I'm gonna like her.


Word Count 683

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