Y/n VS Joe

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(Y/n POV)

I waited for the count down for a couple of seconds, hen it began. The light was red then when the announcer yelled "GO" it turned green. Me and Joe then started skating, he was ahead of me by a few metres.

It was smooth skating for a while, till I saw a quick turn in the path.

Joe turned around for the turn, while I was struggling to not crash.

I then had a vision of the turn being a wave, and I was inside of it. I took a deep breath and swerve my skate board on the side of the turn; I managed to turn off it and continue down the path. 

I didnt see Joe, so I speed up by increasing my wind resistance by bending forward. To let the wind pass above me.

(Langa POV)

The way Y/n passed the turn was amazing, and Reki was also amazed.

"That was so cool!" Reki said as he shaked my body when he grabed both of my shoulder. "Its like she done this before!" 

"Yes, I agree" I said in response. When she was introducing herself this morning, she said she loved surfing... and Reki said her mother was a world famous skater. Mabye family genetics I guess...

(Joe POV)

I looked behind me and I didnt see her. "Looks like I'm going to win" I said to myself.

"Dont say that too early Joe!" A voice behind me said, I turned around again and saw HER. How did she... she wasnt there a few seconds ago!... Whatever, she wont pass me anyway. The rocks are next, Y/n will never pass them without bumping a few of them.

(3rd POV)

Just as he thought, rocks soon appeard in the path; Joe successfuly passed a couple of them without hitting the rocks. While Y/n was panicking. 

'Shoot! How can pass, them without hitting at least one!' She thought..

Then suddenly Y/n got an idea, 'this might help. I think, here goes nothing'

She slowly closed her eyes and imagined herself surfing. This was the day she went surfing and were a few rocks in the way.

When Y/n opened her eyes once again, the path was no longer the path; instead it was the sea. There were a couple of rocks in her way. 'I got this' she thought as she narrowed her eyes, as she increased her speed.

Y/n was going way too fast, that she might crashed into the rocks.

"What the hell is she doing!! She's gonna crash if she continues that speed!!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

Before Y/n could crash into the rocks, she stompd on the back of her board. Which made her ollie a few feet into the air, above three of the rocks. She landed down fracefuly, without shifting her position.

She continued passing the rocks with ease, amazing everyone in the crowd.

Y/n then closes her eyes once more, and quickly shot them open makin the path in her vision back to normal.

Once more, Joe wasnt in her sight. 'Did he already pass the finish line' Y/n thought with a sadened expression; until she heard yellin behind her. "How the hell did you pass me so quickly!!" Joe yelled as he was shocked on how Y/n passed her in such little time.

"I dont know" she responded, she was also shocked that she passed him aswell. 

Y/n was so close to the finish line, an Joe was trailing in on her. "You wont win! Even though you're her daughter!"

Joe hoped that he could pass her in time, but luck wasnt on his side as he saw Y/n pass into the tunnel.

Y/n soon passed the finish line, shocking herself and the entire crowd. On how she won against Joe.

(Y/n POV)

As I got off my board, I was soon engualfed into a hug by Reki.

"How did you win!! Tell me your secrets please!" He said, as Langa was chuckling on how Reki was behind him. 

"Congradulations Y/n" Langa said to me "I'm astonished on how you beated Joe. And also can you also tell me how you won?"

I smiled "thank you Langa. And to answer both of your questions, I will tell you another day"

Langa nodded while Reki was just pleading for me to tell him how I won.

I'm glad they're my friends, and I'm also glad I moved here. My smile then grew wider.


A/N here, sorry for not uploading in over a month. I was kinda busy with other stuff, and celebrating my 2 month anniversary with my GF. 

The next storie(s) that I will update are:

Spiritual Tamer: chapter 4 (KNY X OC FANFIC)

Anymore ideas or inspiration I might get, I will update the others.

But for now.. have a lovely day! My little killers~

Word count: 777

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