People keep asking me to reupload this so story so here it is. Appearance: officer K (Ryan Gosling) from blade runner but you can go with whatever you want.
Subject name: N/N, Y/N Date of birth: (Your choice) Sex: Male. Height: (Your choice) Residence: Heywood H-10. Yaiba Tower, Japan town.
Rap sheet:
Note from A.Vazquez, NCPD netrunner:
Priority Subcon Status, this man has "next level skills you would hardly believe the pain in my ass trying to keep track of him." A netrunner overseeing his legal status, care of one Dexter DeShawn/Rogue Amendiares.
Unless he starts going full cyberpsycho in Corpo Plaza, leave him the fuck alone. Everybody that follows him dies. Everything around him dies.
Love interest: Kiwi
Mantis Blades - The Mantis Blades allow you to slice and dice your enemies with swift, deadly slashes. They also allow the ability to leap towards a target.
Lynx Paws - Allows you to move and run more quietly. The sound of your footsteps will not carry as far.