Chapter 1 - Stab Sneak preview

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Movie theater:

Outside the movie theater, a crowd of people wait in line to see a sneak preview of the movie "Stab", a movie based on the events of the woodsboro murders that happened 2 years ago.

Maureen: I hate scary movies. I should be studying, you know I have a bio due.

Phil: Baby, did I mention that these tickets were free?

Maureen: Sandra Bullock is playing right down the street.

Phil: Nobody wanna pay $7.50 for some Sandra Bullock shit. Unless she's naked.

Maureen: No, but you will sit through a movie called "Stab".

Phil: It's an adrenaline, Maureen. It's good to be scared. It's primal, you know what I'm saying.

Maureen: No, I'll tell you what it is; it's a dumbass white movie about some dumbass white girls getting their white asses cut the fuck up, okay?

Phil: (Smirks) Yeah, I suppose Sandra Bullock is Ms. Ethnicity, right?

Maureen: Well, no. All I'm saying is that the horror genre is historical for excluding the African-American element.

Phil: Where the hell do you get your Ph.D in black cinema, sister souljah?

Maureen: Listen, I read my entertainment weekly, ok? I know my shit.

Phil: Yeah Maureen, I read my black beat too, homey. Tonight we're going to have an all-black movie, all-black cast, all-black wardrobe, black eyes, black eye peas. Black cats if you give me one. (Gives his tickets to theatre usher)

Theatre usher: Hi, here you go.

Maureen: What's this?

Theatre usher: Stab souvenirs, the studio sent them.

Maureen: (Fake gasps before turning to Phil) And it's white. (Turns back to usher) Thanks.

The usher gives one to Phil as well, who thanks her before following his girlfriend to see the movie. As they walk into the theater, they see many people going crazy messing around before the movie starts. They dodge as a couple people run by with one of them pretending to be Ghostface chasing after her.

Maureen: (Sarcastic) Very romantic.

They walk to their seats as the movie starts. Above them is a Ghostface decoration flying over them by the theater workers along with thunder sound effects. On the screen says, "Based on the book 'The Woodsboro Murders' By Gale Weathers". One of the workers activates the U.V. lights causing the Ghostface masks to glow along with the fake knives they have.

The movie starts off with a different approach than the events that took place 2 years ago with the actress portraying Casey Becker getting ready to take a shower and take off her robe causing a few people to cheer at the scene.

Maureen: Now, why has she got to be naked? What does that have to do with the plot if the story, her being butt-ass naked?

Phil: Man, I don't know about the plot, but I got a stiffy.

Maureen: You better loosen up that wrist.

In the movie, "Casey" hears her phone ring before turning around, grabs her robe off the floor and walks out of the bathroom causing people to groan. As she leaves the bathroom, Ghostface pops up in the window causing people to scream at the appearance.

"Casey": (Answers the phone) Hello?

Ghostface: (On phone) Hello.

"Casey": Who is this?

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