𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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[Time Skip]

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[Time Skip]

Stormrunner stood on the bridge beside Dreadwing, watching the clouds pass by them as the Nemesis flew through the sky. Atlas waited beside her, twitching a little. Both it and the lieutenant were still shaken slightly from the events that happened only a short time ago.

"Lord Megatron, forgive me. I do not question the reasoning behind our tactical retreat, though know that I am prepared to lead the troops in a counterstrike against the Autobots." Dreadwing said, causing Megatron to turn.

"Counterstrike?" The warlord questioned. "Did you not notice Optimus Prime cleave an entire mountain in two with a single swing? With the Starsaber, he can obliterate all of us with a wave of a hand. I need to tip the balance of power back to us again."

"Do we not possess a powerful relic of the ancients?" Dreadwing reminded him.

"Indeed. The Forge of Solus Prime. But, it is worthless to us, as it only will activate in the hand of a Prime." Megatron paused for a moment before he started to cackle.

Stormrunner and Dreadwing exchanged a look. 'Has he lost it?'

"But I might wield that power if I controlled such a hand."

It took Stormrunner a few kliks to understand what he meant. 'Will that even work?...'


[Time Skip]

The Nemesis was now in Earth's orbit, heading towards the planet's moon. Stormrunner stood on the flight deck with Atlas and the other two, staring at it.

"This moon is a barren rock, isn't it?" Dreadwing asked Megatron.

"Yes. But Earth's moon is not our final destination."

As they got closer, Stormrunner could see a large structure floating just behind the dark side of the moon. "A space bridge?" She questioned.

"Our very own. It was located here after the Autobots discovered its whereabouts of it on Earth. The dark side of this moon protects it from prying human eyes, and more importantly, it's well beyond the Autobot's reach."

"Come, Dreadwing, Stormrunner!" He called walking to the edge of the flight deck. "We must go to the only place in the entire universe with the means to end Optimus Prime!"

Stormrunner quietly ordered Atlas to stay, and transformed alongside the others, flying out to the space bridge. Its swirling vortex opened, allowing the trio to fly through.

When her optics readjusted, she saw where they ended up.



Stormrunner looked down at the ruins of the city formerly known as Kaon as they flew. The once tall, crudely built structures were now decimated from eons of war. The metallic streets were now covered in grime and scrap metal, including the fallen.

"The devastation to our home world is worse than I remember," Dreadwing said. If she could nod in her alt-form, Stormrunner would have. She didn't remember Cybertron looking so, well, dead and dull before she left. "Curse the Autobots to the Pits!" Dreadwing spat.


They landed in front of a temple-looking building. Stormrunner reluctantly walked into it behind Megatron and Dreadwing, cautiously looking around. The area was deadly quiet, which put her on edge. 'What happens if someone is waiting to ambush us or something?'

But she kept those thoughts to herself as they arrived at a large door, its horrendous creaking echoing through the hallway as it opened. Inside, a coffin was positioned in the middle.

"A tomb," Dreadwing noted.

"One known to possess the carcass of a Prime. Please, tell me you're not averse to desecration," Megatron turned his helm slightly to look back at them.

"It's just being in such a place elicits powerful emotions, considering the fate of my twin brother."

"You should delight in our purpose here then," The Decepticon leader headed towards the coffin, his two lieutenants following behind him. "To exact our revenge for Skyquake, and of all our fallen brethren." He cast a look at Stormrunner when he said the last part. Her right servo tightened into a fist.

She and Dreadwing easily managed to push the lid off of the coffin, letting it drop with a loud 'thud' to the ground. A regal-looking purple and gold bot lay inside, his optics dark and his arms crossed over his chest. Even in death, Stormrunner could tell how powerful he once was.

Megatron brought down his blade on one of the Prime's arms, severing it.


[Time Skip]

[Location: The Nemesis]

A few Joor's (hours) later, Stormrunner stood alongside Dreadwing and Knockout, staring at the raw chunk of Dark Energon sitting on the metal table. Megatron, sporting the new arm he had severed from the deceased Liege Maximo, stood on the other side of the table, clutching a large hammer in his servos.

The Forge of Solus Prime glowed with energy, sparks of electricity shooting out from it. The warlord raised it into the air, and brought it down upon the hunk of Dark Energon, crushing it slightly.

"The Forge of Solus can forge anything you desire from raw material," Dreadwing explained, the trio watching Megatron bring the hammer down upon the 'raw material' again and again.

"And in this case, the 'raw material' is a big chunk of Dark Energon," Knockout said.

'And the sky is blue,' Stormrunner thought to herself sarcastically, though she didn't dare say that out loud.

Atlas tensed as pedsteps were heard behind them. The lieutenant turned, only to see it was Soundwave.

Megatron paused monetarily. "What is it?"

The soundless Cybertronian displayed coordinates and a map on his visor. "You have decoded the next set of Iacon coordinates," the Decepticon leader noted. "Good work."

With that, he returned his attention to hammering the raw Dark Energon into a weapon of his choice, each strike shaking the room slightly.

The chunk of Dark Energon eventually took the shape of a sword, it humming with power. The blade was constantly surrounded by a dark mist, which left a purple vapor trail as Megatron picked it up.

Stormrunner stared at the blade curiously. The only other blade she had seen do that was the Star Saber. But did it compare in power?

"Soundwave, open a ground bridge to the coordinate," He instructed, placing the sword of Dark Energon directly onto his back.

Stormrunner watched as he went through the ground bridge, still staring at the glowing blade, curiosity filling her crimson optics.

'I wonder if it can really compete with the Star Saber...'


Sorry for the long wait for the chapter, I sort of lost interest in this book.

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