Chapter Five: Cole

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I was laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was early morning. Sunday. I didn't do much that day. Played guitar, listen to music, watch a movie, and that's it.

When Monday came I was exited to leave. Dad has been tense lately and I didn't feel safe. More than normal I mean. I didn't bring my guitar today and just went with my bag.

Rain and Blair were by my locker with Cole, "the new season just came out," Blair stated to the two.

"Its about time," Rain groaned.

"It was only a year."

"Only a year my ass," Rain then noticed me, "hey Finn."

"Can I ask why there's a meeting around my locker?" I asked.

"Talking shit about you," Cole stated, "why else?"

"I'm laughing really hard," I deadpanned but Cole just smiled that smile of his.

"So I was thinking," Rain leaned on the locker next to me, "we all do something every Friday night normally and we want you to join us."

"We're gonna be a foursome!" Cole yells.

I covered his mouth instantly, "never say that again."

"Why?" He was muffled.

"Is he that innocent?" I looked at the others.

Cole looked confused then his eyes widened and nodded, "ohhh."

I backed away from him, "there it is."

Cole just laughed. He never got embarrassed. He was himself all day everyday. It's just how he was. Blair and Rain continued talking about manga and anime or comics.

As I walked with them I was starting to realize. They're my friends. I have my first friends and my dad doesn't even know. I want to keep it that way.

Cole POV

Finally got back from vacation and I saw Rain and Blair in class. Then I noticed some guy in the back of the class. Asleep? He sat alone. No one sat with him.

I went over to him and that's when I woke him up and spoke to him. All I have to say about him is woah. He has pretty, fluffy black hair. Beautiful black eyes that look silver when the light hits them right.

His skin looked soft and fair. I noticed he had faint eyebags too. He's apparently pretty sassy. Has an attitude. Sarcastic. He plays guitar. He's taller than me by like five inches.

He listens to music. Sleeps. His favorite color is black. His voice is calming to me and sweet. He's kind deep down but just doesn't show it. During the movie I saw him shaking a bit. I didn't say anything afterwards since he didn't want us to know.

He's different than most people I've met and known. I don't know how to explain it. I will say that Saturday at the park with him was the best day this year by far. I loved every second of it I don't know why.

His smile. It was sweet but rare. He barely ever smiled. I liked it. Rain and Blair were walking to school with me Monday morning.

"I'm telling you, they're dating," Blair stated, "haven't you noticed how they go to the bathroom at the same time like everyday?"

"Doesn't mean anything," I stated.

"Mhm," Blair had a tone that she didn't believe me, "they're fucking, I know it."

"Either dating or fuck buddies," Rain said.

"I'm too attached to do the fuck buddy thing," I added. It's true. I'm clingy and get attached. My feelings are always strong for people and never medium so if I say I love you, I mean it.

Finnly POV

Music class finally came. I studied the notes of a song I was writing. It had no name yet. This class is an Honors class since I'm so good at it. We have to write our own songs right now.

It was gonna be a romantic song since thats the hardest type of song for me to write. I wanted to challenge myself.

"Finnly," the teacher came over, "how's your progress?"

"Its going but slowly," I admitted.

"Your other work has been great so I'm sure this will be too. You have until the end of the month to finish. That's two more weeks."

"One more," I corrected.

"Right," she smiled at me, "thanks."

She walked away to check on another student. I sat away from everyone but she always checked on me first. She's the only adult I actually like.

I started to think now about the song and what to do. I've never been in love. It's harder for me to really turn feelings like that into notes from a guitar. I started writing now but the weird thing was that Cole was on my mind.

Show and Tell- Melanie Martinez

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