my brother is a jerk, but what's new

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Third Person's POV

Maren was shocked that she was the first ever Malfoy being in Gryffindor. She knows that her family will be highly disappointed in her, because she's not in Slytherin, like they have for so many generations.

She stayed silent and avoiding talking to people after she got sorted. The other Gryffindor's including her are in their common room organizing their bags and putting them in their places. Because tomorrow they start classes, which Maren isn't looking forward to at all. She wants to avoid going to classes at all costs, because she wants to avoid her brother.

"So you're a Malfoy right?" A voice said as Maren immediately turned around and she recognized the girl as Hermione Granger. Its like Maren's body stopped functioning at the moment that Hermione.

"Uh, yeah." Maren says as she mentally slaps herself as that was like the dumbest thing that she's ever said in her entire life.

"You seem cool. Maybe we can be friends. If you want?" Hermione says as Maren has a small smile on her face as she likes that. She could use some friends in Gryffindor anyway.

"I'd like that." Maren says to the bushy haired girl as Hermione smiles brightly that she too made a friend.

"So you have a brother right?" Hermione says as Maren let out a scoff at herself at the mention of her brother.

"Yeah he's a pain in my butt." Maren says as Hermione tilts her head at Maren as her eyebrows scrunch together.

"Why that?" Hermione says as they sit in the chairs in the common room. Maren leans her head on the chair as she takes a deep breath.

"Well for starters he's a jerk, has bad friends who basically follow him like a lost puppy. Likes to make pranks and all that." Maren says as Hermione nods her head at Maren. As she seems like a nice girl to hang around with.

"Yikes, sorry about that." Hermione says as Maren smiles softly as she nods her head.

"You get used to a brother like that." Maren says as Hermione lets out a little laugh. "So what's your history?"

"Well I'm an only child to a Muggle family." Hermione says as Maren nods her head as it must be fun not having any annoying siblings being jerks.

"Must be fun not having any siblings." Maren says as Hermione nods her head.

"It's pretty great, but it got lonely because my parents were always at work and the kids that were my so-called friends. Kept picking on me because of how smart I am." Hermione says as Maren has a pout on her face. Maren wonders why people would want to mean to Hermione but that's people for ya.

"Well that's barbaric." Maren says as Hermione snickers at Maren's comment.

"Tell me about it, but I assume that we have to go to bed before we get into trouble." Hermione says as her and Maren go their separate ways to bed.


(Lol I don't know what to call Snape's office)

Ruby is reading a book by the only light in the room which is the fireplace. Her father is doing his own thing, but then there is absolute silence. Ruby turns around and sees where her father was and he's gone. She doesn't want to question it as he'll come back, some point.

She doesn't even want to know because her father always comes back to her as she sometimes wonders what will happen to her if he doesn't come back. What will happen to her? She's always wondered that question since she was younger.

Not even half an hour later her father magically appeared again, as she didn't want to question anything not knowing what she'd expect as an answer.

"What you doing, Bibi?" Snape asks his daughter, as she showed him a book that she was almost done reading.

"Reading a book, Papa." Ruby says to her father as he smiles and kissed her head.

"Time for bed, little one." Snape says to Ruby as she groaned a little.

"I'm not....tired." Ruby says as Snape smiles at seeing his daughter as he raised his eyebrow at her.

"If you're not tired why did you yawn?" Snape asks Ruby as she huffed as she continued to yawn and read her book. "Ru, come." He says as Ruby knew that she wasn't going to get out of this now. She silently obeyed and listened to her father and walked to her room where he used his wand to tidy up her room.

Ruby got into her pajamas as Snape carried the girl and gently put her onto her bed. "I'm not tired." Ruby says as she yawned immediately after she said that sentence. Snape shakes his head at his daughter before he kissed her head. She then had an idea as she had a smile. "Papa?" She says as Snape turned around to look at his daughter.

"Yes Bibi?" He asks her as she grins at him. He knew what that meant. She wants him to tell her a bedtime story.

"Can you tell me that story again? The one about Mama. Please." Ruby says to her father as he knew that she will keep asking him until he does it.

"I suppose I can honey. But only this one. Then it's time for bed." Snape says as he walks back towards Ruby's hed and sat beside her on her bed.

After the bedtime story requested by Ruby, and said girl falling asleep completely during the middle of it, he kissed her head and left to finish some homework grading.


I'm just gonna finish right here, also because I have zero ideas left for this one. Slowly we're making an incline into the movies. So that's fun.

Well, see y'all in the next chapter.

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