weird magic - 8 years later

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Nearly 8 years layer, the Dursley's had woken up to find their nephew the front step, but Privet Drive had hardly changed at all.

Draco still pulled pranks on his sister, she was head-strong, brave and also intelligent. Ruby still went to the Malfoy's manor any chance that she got. Of course that's when she wasn't in school with her father. Technically her adopted father, but whatever.

Severus showed a soft side to Ruby, as she hardly got into trouble, she always listened to his orders. If he gives her a list of chores to do, she'll do it. She was a well-behaved young girl.

One day while doing a list of chores that Snape gave her.

Something odd happened. By odd there was magic involved. She was sweeping the kitchen floor with an old broom that Snape had, and it wasn't magic, at least that's what  Snape knew.

The broom jolted out of Ruby's hands, and started moving scaring the poor girl.

Ruby backed away from the broom with fear, as she didn't know what to do.

She wasn't really scared of much because she was brave. Welp now her braveness isn't working at the moment. It got changed with fear.

But however when the broom wasn't going this way and that. She finished her list of chores.

She grabbed one of her father's spell books and started reading it. Then a couple of hours later Snape returned home. Snape had a ghost of a smile on his face despite him having a long day today.

"Did you finish the list of chores?" Snape asked Ruby sternly and the redhead nods her head once, and he checks the house to see if she did them.

He was satisfied that she did them, and he came back and held out his arms, and Ruby hugged him.

The reason why Snape decided to keep Ruby is because she looks like Lily with the  red hair and has th le sane eyes as her mother.

"Papa?" Ruby asks Snape and he let go of the hug to look at his daughter.

"Yes Bibi?" Snape asks Ruby and she looks up at him.

"Something odd happened today while you were gone today." Ruby says and Snape looks down at her. "I was sweeping earlier and I used your old broom, and then out of no where it was magic. It was scary." She says as Snape nods his head listening to what she just said.

"You said the broom was magic?" He asks in clarification and she nods her head at him.

"Yes, papa." Ruby says as he furrows his eyebrows before he realized something amazing. "She's a witch."

"You know how my school has witches and wizards?" He asks her and she looks at him confused, but she nods her head wanting him to continue.

"Yes papa, I remember." Ruby says as he had a ghost of a smile on his face. This confused her as she didn't know why he was smiling like that. "Why what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, except for your a witch." Snape says as Ruby's head snapped in his direction whrn he said that. He called me a what?

"I'm a what?" Ruby asks as she looks at her father as he called her a witch. Why would call me a witch.

Before Snape could say anything there was a weird noise and the father and daughter shared a confused look before following where the noise could be coming from. Then they stopped in their tracks at what caused the noise. The broom.

"What the?..." Was all what Snape said as he didn't really believe Ruby at first but when he actually saw what the broom he knew that she was telling the truth.

"Bugger." Ruby says as Snape did a spell to make it stop and the broom fell to the ground. When the broom fell to the ground Snape.

"That was odd." Snape says as Ruby nodded her head as she grabbed a banana and took a bite out of it. In her opinion she's trying to eat healthier than eating junk food and all that.

"What were you saying earlier Papa? I'm a what?" Ruby asks her as Snape grabbed the broom and put it back into the cupboard where the other brooms are.

"Oh sorry, you're a witch." Papa says as it doesn't click right away in her head as it takes her a little bit to process things. Once she didn't respond back as her brain is still processing what was just said he took that he needed to continue. "You can do magic, that's why the broom started moving was that you were probably born with magic."

After he got done explaining to Ruby that she's a witch it finally clicked in her head as it makes sense. She can do magic. Magic!

"I can do magic?" Ruby says as Snape nodded with a rare smile as Ruby kept repeating herself, as she couldn't believe that she can do magic. "I CAN DO MAGIC!!"


This is the beginning of the filler chapters and onto the real chapters!! So enjoy!!

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