Chapter 2

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Tam's POV:

I didn't want to come here, Keefe left us... and I don't even know why. It's probably my fault anyway. And now he's gone, my enemy, my friend... my crush...

I can't, it's too hard to be here, when I know it's my fault that he's so scared, so it's my fault that he left.

"Hurry up!" Linh calls, her hand clasped around Marella's, the pair started hanging out a lot recently, and I can feel sparks in the air between them, and I know that Linh's liked her for a while, so I'm proud that she and Marella are finally growing closer.

As we arrive at the Shores of Solace, Sophie, Baina, Dex, Fitz, all clump together, pulling the rest of us in.

"Right," Sophie starts, "Everyone knows where they're going?"

There is a chorus of "Yes." And we all split up.

I have to search the shore, we think that Keefe has thrown his registory pendant into the ocean, because it keeps moving, back and forward around here. Honestly, Linh should have been the one to search for it, but she begged to go with Marella instead.

I stand on a rock, looking into the ocean, and I see something glint in the water. As I move to dive into the water, I feel something push me, and I fall into the ocean, as I hear giggling. I snatch the pendant and swim back to land.

"Not funny Baina!" I screech as I make it onto land, and a tiny  child appears right below me.

I start, staring at the child who's face is entirely covered with a colourful scarf like cloth. She has white hair, but it is tinted blue, she has two small black antlers as well, and she seems about the age of 6.

"Whats a Baina?" The child asks, startling me back into the ocean

"Who are you?" I ask, glaring at her 

"Answer my question trespasser,"

"Aren't you a trespasser as well?"

"Ha," the child snarls, goodness, she can be scary, "I live here shade."

"How do you!?- know what, never mind." I sigh, "Baina is one of my friends, she's a vainisher, so I thought that she pushed me into the ocean, it was you though, right?"

The child grins, "I thought it would be funny."

I snatch out my imparter, and say, "hail Sophie Foster, Fitz Vacker, Dex Diznee, Baina Vacket, Linh Song, Marella I don't know her last name."

"Oo," the child smiles, "big brother had one of those, it looks cool, but I don't have one. Anyway, my name is Marina, yours?"

"I'm Tam," I introduce myself, Marina has a weird way of talking

"Tam!" Linh speaks, "whats up? Did you find something?"

"You guys need to come to the shores now." I say, and Marina pokes her head in front of the screen

"Tiny people!" Marina says, "but they'll be big soon."

"Who's that?!" Sophie yelps, she's moving closer

"You'll meet her," i sigh, "Hurry up!"



I hope that u like Marina! Thanks to all the people that have read it so far!

Have a good day/night!

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