Chapter 11

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"Adam, get up! I said we were leaving at 5 a.m. It is 7:30 a.m.!" Chase ranted. "It is still a.m. right?" Adam asks, Chase nodded. "Then you have nothing to worry about. We'll leave right now." "10 minutes. Or I will leave without you." Chase warned. Adam nodded and got dressed.

"Where did you say they were again, Chase?" Adam asked, programming the hydro loop. "An abandoned warehouse in Manhattan." Chase replied, looking anxiously for a program. Adam turned, "Hey, what are you looking for?" Chase waited a second, still concentrated on finding the program, "I'm looking for a program called, Override." Adam looked confused, "I thought you had that app already." Chase sighed, "I did. But after I miss used it Mr. Davenport disabled it and took it from my chip." Adam nodded. "Aha! I found it!" Chase exclaimed happily. "Adam, hand me those wires." Adam nodded and gave the wires to Chase, who hooked them up to his chip. "Okay, Adam. Press that red button on the computer when I say so, okay?" Chase asked. Adam nodded with a grin on his face, "Oh! Buttons!" Chase rolled his eyes and waited for Adam to sit down then told him, "Okay. Press the button." Adam nodded and Chase closed his eyes. An electric shock was sent throughout his body.

"Whoa!" Chase exclaimed, shaking his head like a dog. "Hey, you okay?" "Uhh, yeah! I feel great!" Chase says happily. Adrenaline pumping throughout his veins. "Okay." Adam said, a look on his face and in his eyes that was asking Chase a silent question. "Adam? Do you want something? Wait, never mind, I know; you want a new ability." Adam looked down and nodded his head slightly. "Okay. What do you want?" Chase asked, looking around on the computer. "I want that, what is that? Mental Link?" Chase looked at it. "Well, I can basically transfer information to you. Like, through my mind into yours. Do you want that?" Adam thought about it then asked, "What is that one? It sounds cool." Chase looked around. "Which one?" Adam pointed to an app that said, Plasma Grenades. "Plasma Grenades? That one is pretty cool it says you can shoot balls of electricity from your hands." Chase said to Adam. "Sweet! Hook me up!" Chase nodded and attached the wires to Adam's chip. "Now, you are going to feel a shock." Adam nodded and Chase pressed the button. "You're all done."

"Let's go. We've spent enough time here. Now, we need to rescue Bree." Chase said. They jumped into the hydro loop and went to Manhattan.

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