(2) Green Thunder, Purple Lightning

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Many, if not all of the houses, seemed to have lost power. There didn't seem to be much of a pattern to the outages either, the blacked-out homes being in a zig-zag-like line from one another. Thankfully, many Toads were already out and about, trying to help each other out while also searching for the cause of the inconvenience. The blackout didn't seem to hinder any trick-or-treating, however. Many children were still out and about with their parents collecting treats from the homes that still remained powered on.

"Wow... I don't know if this is cool or terrifying, considering this happened on Halloween of all days," Daisy chuckled.

Luigi shrugged a little, seeming a bit nervous.

"I-it's kind of odd, though... It's a clear sky night with almost no breeze or anything..." Luigi murmured.

Daisy giggled, lightly nudging him in the side with her elbow.

"Lighten up! It's probably just some teenager prank to spook the townsfolk on Halloween. This is most likely not the worst thing to have happened on Halloween," Daisy teased.

Luigi sighed, giving her a nod to say she was probably right. The two of them continued down the path, watching as excited kids would race by to get to the next house.

"...you SURE that your Thunderhand didn't do this?" Daisy suddenly asked. "You might've accidentally triggered this with whatever trauma flashback that costume gave you."

The man in green winced a little as the involuntary memories passed through his head again, giving him another thing to be scared of.

"I-I'm pretty sure that my Thunderhand can't really do much besides glow or electrocute anyone I touch with it..." Luigi trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's p-probably just a downed powerline somewhere!"

Luigi smiled to punctuate his point, and as if on cue, a mushroom house up ahead suddenly went dark, the fuse box nearby sparking.

"Well, let's find out!" Daisy exclaimed.

She took Luigi by the hand and they both ran to the now powerless home. The two Toads that lived there were already shuffling outside, both of them dressed in costume with unfinished make-up. The princess and the man in green came to a halt nearby, bags from shopping still in hand.

"Hey! You guys okay?" Daisy called out.

Both blue-colored Toads turned to look at them as they neared, sighing as they looked over the busted fuse box.

"Yeah, but the power sure isn't," one Toad muttered.

Luigi looked over the Toads at the damage.

"I-it just looks like too much power was used..." Luigi said.

"That would make sense IF we actually used too much power," the Toad replied.

"We were in the bathroom trying to put make-up on. The only electricity running was the living room and bathroom lights," the other Toad quietly added.

Luigi furrowed his eyebrows in perplexion as the two Toads went back inside to light a candle for the moment.

"Weird..." Luigi murmured.

The man in green paused for a moment before stepping up to the box, looking it over. Daisy hovered over his shoulder, trying to see what he was doing.

"We should probably just get you home to Mario at this point," Daisy stated. "Let's go, Weegie."

Daisy gently grasped his shoulder in an attempt to pry him away, but Luigi stayed put, his attention on the mechanism in front of him.

"Let me try something really quick..." Luigi hummed.

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