(12) Boo?

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AN: I made the picture above. :3


"What the..? A little ghosty-thing?" Mimi questioned.

All eight of them watched as the Boo came out of the portal and it closed behind it. The Boo cackled to itself, floating in place and waving around the mask as it looked around...

...with big yellow eyes.

"Oh my Grambi, no," Luigi whispered, clamping a hand to his mouth as tears flooded his eyes.

Mario arched an eyebrow in confusion, looking at his distressed brother.

"What? Luigi, what's wrong?" Mario asked, placing his hands on his brother's shoulders.

Luigi shook his head and ran to Boo, pushing his brother's hands off of himself. Everyone was perplexed as Luigi quickly wrapped his arms protectively around the Boo, tears flowing down his face. The Boo in Luigi's arms, seemingly oblivious, wriggled and writhed in the man in green's arms, wanting to float away.

"Luigi, what's going on?" Timpani questioned in a more gentle tone.

The man in green choked on a sob as he turned his head to look at them, tearstains on his face.

"D-Dim..." was all Luigi managed to choke out, hugging the Boo.

All of them gasped, catching on almost instantly. Dimentio had used up the last bit of his energy. He was now reduced to this Boo.

In all honesty, this Boo definitely at least shared a bit of likeness to Dimentio's form. There was a small jester hat like the one Dimentio wore on his head, not to mention that the Boo was waving around his still transparent mask. The Boo form itself had a few unique qualities: it glowed a lilac color, its teeth were rather sharp, and its tongue seemed to be pointed at the tip and was a shade of purple.

Everyone stared in disbelief, unable to think it was true despite the proof before their eyes.

"M-maybe he's just pulling another joke..?" Mimi meekly offered.

"Y-yeah, h-he loves to mess with people... y-y'know..?" Nastasia added, choking on a sob.

Luigi got to his feet, holding Boomentio tight in his grip so he wouldn't try to wiggle free.

"W-we need to get him inside, b-before the sun starts to disintegrate him!" Luigi exclaimed.

Boomentio was indeed becoming more transparent, the evening setting sun shining faintly on him.

"But all da shops be closed!" O'Chunks replied, pointing to some nearby signs.

Blumiere huffed in response, a stern expression on his face as he floated over to Luigi, motioning them all to follow.

"Come, this way, we can make it to the castle in only a few moments from here if I teleport us," Blumiere stated.

Timpani stepped up to her husband, placing a hand on his shoulder with a concerned look.

"Blumiere, you haven't had your normal magic strength ever since the book and Heart were destroyed..." Timpani reminded. "You haven't been able to teleport since-"

Blumiere gently hushed her, a firm expression on his face.

"I know, dear, I know. However, I need to TRY," Blumiere replied. "I wouldn't forgive myself if I did nothing."

Before any arguing could take more time from them, Blumiere held out his hands and waved them above his head. All of them braced as suddenly the light grey floor of Flopside changed to the black ground outside of Castle Bleck.

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