I - The Mysterious Fortune teller

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I was going home from the shopping market when I met a young lady who told me a mysterious fortune, "Your future is in grave danger".

I was furious when I heard what that woman said. I bought a cute rose plant and stormed out of the shop. I muttered to myself about shallow people and how that woman was rude about her future. She was probably a phoney fortune teller anyway. I was going home after shopping, and I would tell everyone about the lady's rudeness. Or should I? Dad would probably freak out.

"Someone insulting my honeykins!" he would yell, storming into the phoney's tent and somehow putting her out of business. He was a product manager or something.

No, she wouldn't tell anyone.

Little did she know that the fortune teller was telling the truth.

As I opened the door of her modest house, I was met with a scowl.

"Abigail Aurora Avare, you're late," said her father angrily.

Dad only used full names when he was furious.

I know what is coming next.

"You can look after Isabelle for a punishment,"

I reluctantly walked up the stairs to Isabelle's room. Isabelle, my seven-year-old sister, was the most annoying creature on the face of the Earth.

"Hey Isabelle, wanna come and play?" I yell through the door.

"Abi!" squeals Isabelle as she leaps onto me and begins the complex task of pulling out my hair.

I walk into my room carrying a squirming Isabelle and place my rose on the windowsill.

"So, what do you want to do?" I ask her.

"Hair Salon!" she squeals, and she begins to smear lipstick over my hair.

After being tortured by Isabelle, I get up and tell her to get a snack. During Isabelle's free period, I look at my rose plant. There was gold powder on the rose plant. I knew real gold and fake gold; when I touched it, I knew it was genuine gold. I was surprised. Then, the house started moving. I grabbed Isabelle and ran. Mum and Dad were not there, so Isabelle began to cry.

"Shush," I say calmingly as we slowly begin to move through the void.

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